Bruce Lipton and How Beliefs Can Change DNA

Bruce Lipton is a research biologist and a pioneer in the field of epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how gene expression is altered by causes other than DNA.

Lipton's research has proved that thoughts and beliefs control DNA and our cells. He is the author of popular personal development books based upon his research; books that inspire people to change their realities by changing their beliefs.

Background of Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton was born on October 21, 1944 in New York. He majored in biology in college and went on to become a college professor of anatomy. He did research on muscular dystrophy and muscle cells and discovered how perception played a role in the behavior of genes.

His research on how the mind and body are connected provided an entirely new insight into a molecular basis for consciousness and offered a scientific basis for how thoughts and beliefs can change reality.

In addition to his books for the general public, Lipton has authored several scientific documents on topics such as muscle regeneration and histology.

Books by Bruce Lipton

"The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles" was published in 2005 and is available as an audio book, ebook, and book. Bruce Lipton originally self published this book and it went on to sell over 100,000 copies before it was picked up by the publishing giant Hay House. It won the USA Book News award for Best Science Book in 2006. In this groundbreaking book, Lipton shares his research in cell biology. He explains how he discovered that DNA does not control our bodies and thinking but factors outside the cell controls DNA. He discovered that thoughts and beliefs can change DNA. The implications of his research are that we are capable of changing our DNA by changing our thoughts and beliefs. The personal development advice offered in this book is backed up by his years of in-depth scientific research.

"The Wisdom of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology" was published in 2006 as an audio book. In it, Bruce Lipton explains his work in a manner that is engaging and easy to understand. It is targeted towards the average person who is interested in personal development advice, quantum physics, consciousness, and evolution of the human mind and spirit. Lipton explains that cell membranes are like tiny television receivers that pick up signals from our thoughts and the universe in general. These outside influences govern how our cells, DNA, and genes express themselves. He further teaches listeners that cells have a far greater intelligence than ever imagined by science. This knowledge combined with taking steps to use it wisely could hold the key to longevity, vitality, and happiness.

More and more books are becoming available as ebooks and audibles.

"Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here" was published in 2009 and is a book, ebook, and audio book. In this work, Lipton compares spontaneous and miraculous cures from illnesses by individuals to what is happening on a planetary scale right now. He theorizes the planet and humankind are going through the process of spontaneous evolution. Lipton explains each person acts as a stem cell for humanity, and with each individual awakening, humanity as a whole becomes a little more enlightened. Rather than personal development advice, this book offers planetary development advice and insight. Bruce Lipton collaborated with Steve Bhaerman, a political philosopher, on this book. They covered concepts such as the old beliefs in DNA controlled biology, how mind affects matter, how beliefs shape our culture, and how individuals affect the evolution of our world.

"Passage of Change: A Fable Based on the Research of Bruce Lipton, Ph.D." was published in 2004. It is an illustrated picture book based upon Lipton's research and was written by Nancy Marie. Marie uses her artistic ability to help readers understand how cells change in response to thought. While writing the book, Marie was diagnosed with cancer, and decided to use Lipton's teachings to eradicate cancer cells from her body and was declared cancer free nine months later.

Learning More from Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton is active speaking at conferences such as the popular ones organized by Hay House that present leading speakers in the field of spiritual development. He also is involved in various workshops online and in-person.

He has a calendar of events he will be participating in posted on his website. His site also has articles, transcripts of interviews, videos, and Podcasts related to the biology of belief and the evolution of consciousness.

The personal development advice offered by Bruce Lipton helps in many ways besides just affecting the physical body. Thoughts can be used to attract a soul mate, become successful, and improve relationships.

The great contribution Lipton has given to the world is scientific proof that beliefs truly do change our cells, lives, and futures.

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