James Redfield Stimulates Spiritual Growth Through Adventure Parables

James Redfield is a popular author of personal development books that have been published in the millions of copies and distributed worldwide.

He delivers his teachings in the Celestine series of fiction books that could be classified as metaphysical adventure tales. The books are engaging to read and stimulate spiritual growth at the same time.

The Life Of James Redfield

James Redfield was born on March 19, 1950. He grew up in a close-knit rural community near Birmingham, Alabama.
He was raised in the Methodist church but was drawn to the Eastern philosophies and went on to study them in college.

Besides studying Zen and Taoism, Redfield also studied sociology and completed his formal education with a Master's degree in counseling. James Redfield built a successful career out of counseling abused adolescents but continued his interest in Eastern philosophies and the human potential movement. In 1989, Redfield gave up his counseling career to become a full-time writer.

The Success Of James Redfield And His books

James Redfield self published his first book, "The Celestine Prophecy," in 1992. The book was a phenomenal success and remains one of the best selling self published books In 1993, Warner Books picked up the rights to publish the book and it shot to the top of the New York Times Best Seller List.

"The Celestine Prophecy" spent three years in various positions on the list. This is undoubtedly the most popular of the personal development books by James Redfield and has sold over 20 million copies and been translated into 34 languages.

The second book in the series, "The Tenth Insight," also secured a spot on the bestseller list.

Due to the success of his work and his positive impact upon the lives of readers, James Redfield has received several awards such as Humanitarian of the Year from Auburn University and the International New Thought Alliance.

Books By James Redfield

• "The Celestine Prophecy" was originally published in 1992. This was the first book by James Redfield and his most popular. "The Celestine Prophecy" is a first person parable wherein the storyteller has a spiritual awakening while he searches for the meaning of nine insights that were found on an ancient scroll.
He notices increased synchronicity that he believes is the Universe guiding him towards his destiny.

While this is a work of fiction, it has touched the lives of many people and assisted them in their own spiritual journeys. The book is rooted in Eastern mystical ideas and guides readers toward a heightened sense of spiritual awareness.

• "The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide" is a follow-up guide that was published in 1995. This personal development book by James Redfield contains practical exercises that help readers put the insights into action in their lives. This book is also written in parable form about a boy named Celestine who gets lost in the woods and has to use the insights to find his way home.

• "The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision" was published in 1996 as a sequel to the first book by James Redfield. "The Tenth Insight" takes up where "The Celestine Prophecy" left off. This time the narrator is in a wilderness in the American Southeast in search of his friends who disappeared. This is another fictional book, but is written in such a way as to stimulate spiritual awakening and understanding in the readers.

• "The Tenth Insight: Holding The Vision: An Experiential Guide" was published in 1996 as an aid to help readers understand how to use the insights they learned about in the previous books by James Redfield and the tenth insight in particular. This personal development book contains detailed instructions and practical exercises that can be used on a consistent basis to help readers understand and benefit from Redfield's advice on spiritual growth.

• "The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness" is a nonfiction work by James Redfield in which he explains how the spiritual principals he wrote about in his previous fiction books have shaped history, the world, and individual lives. He further explains how understanding our mission on earth and dissolving the energies in unnecessary dramas can lead us to lives of peace and joy. He suggests the path to awakening involves synchronicity, connection, and purpose. This book by James Redfield was published in 1999.

More and more books are also becoming available as ebooks and audibles.

• "The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight" was published in 2001. In this book by James Redfield, the adventures of the narrator of "The Celestine Prophecy" continue in the Himalayas as he searches for the utopia of Shambhala. He discovers the utopia actually exists and it holds secrets that will hasten the awakening and spiritual evolution of mankind.

• "God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution" was published in 2002. In this book, James Redfield collaborates with two visionaries to inform readers that humanity is quickly approaching an evolutionary crossroad. The authors point to an increase worldwide in spiritual development as partial proof that humanity is awakening to its true potential. With this new awakening comes spiritual development and exciting new abilities such as clairvoyance and super human physical capabilities.

• "The Celestine Prophecy: The Making of the Movie" was published in 2006. It tells the amazing story of how "The Celestine Prophecy" became an amazing global best seller and how the necessary people came together to produce the movie version of Redfield's spiritual teachings.

• "The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision" is the fourth book in the Celestine series. It was published in 2011 and has the narrator searching for meaning to the Mayan end time date of 2012 and its meaning for mankind.

James Redfield Today

James Redfield continues to spread his message of the need for awakening. He maintains a website where he posts articles and audios of interviews with other current day visionaries.

Together with his wife, Salle, James Redfield runs the Global Prayer Project where thousands of people participate in group meditations designed to uplift humanity and planet earth.
Redfield travels around the world holding workshops and giving lectures on the spiritual teachings contained in the insights that form the basis of his popular series of books.

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