Tony Buzan Promotes Personal Development Through Brain Science And Mind Mapping

Tony Buzan is a noted author and speaker in the field of personal development. The method he bases much of his work upon is called mind mapping. He is considered a pioneer and expert in the field of utilizing brain power to become successful in life. His personal development ideas have helped countless business executives, athletes, and ordinary people to improve their lives.


The Background of Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan was born on June 2, 1942 in Palmers Green, Middlesex. Accounts of his early life portray Buzan as a bright, inquisitive child who seemed destined for success. He developed an early fascination for how the brain and mind work, and developed this interest into a career that teaches others how to use their brains for maximum results.

Mental Literacy And Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan coined the phrase 'mental literacy' to describe the aim of his work. He compares the brain to a highly functional supercomputer that is capable of great achievement as long as it is fed the languages it can understand. Through the proper approach, Tony Buzan teaches it is possible to harness under-utilized brain power to become more successful in all areas of life.

Tony Buzan has lectured and written extensively on his personal development ideas in areas such as creativity, memory, speed reading, genius quotients, and spiritual intelligence. Perhaps his most well known work is in mind mapping.

Tony Buzan And Mind Mapping

Mind maps are popular in the business world as a form of organization of ideas or brainstorming. Rather than listing ideas in a linear fashion, a mind map display is more like tree branches. Ideas, words, or tasks are arranged around a central idea. This helps to better visualize how to accomplish a task. It also facilitates writing or decision making. Mind maps even help with memory recall. Tony Buzan suggests these steps when creating a mind map:

1. Place an image that represents a goal or task in the center of the page.

2. Use colors, symbols, codes, dimensions, and images when creating a mind map.

3. Summarize your points into keywords and print them using lower or upper case letters.

4. Try to keep each image or word in it's own space so it is distinct from other images or words.

5. All the images and words should be connected to the main image in the center. The images closer to the center should be the most important and represented with thicker lines. As images progress further away from the center, the connecting lines should become thinner.

6. The length of the connecting line should be of equal length with it's word or image.

7. Various colors should be used for visual appeal and also as a means of grouping images and thoughts.

8. Create a personalized style when making a mind map so it has meaning.

9. Emphasize certain parts of the mind map and highlight associations between related areas.

10. Make sure the mind map is easy to understand by using some sort of organizational structure when placing the words or images onto paper such as numbering them or using a radial hierarchy.

Books By Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan has written several personal development books that aim to teach the reader how to increase mind power to improve a personal, professional, or educational aspect of life.

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  • "Use Your Head" was originally published in 1974 and was revised in 2010. This is one of the more popular personal development books by Tony Buzan. It has sold over one million copies and has been translated into over 35 languages. In this book, Buzan helps readers improve their ability to solve problems, become more creative, improve memory, become open to change, and read, think, and react faster.

If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 4 stars out of 5.

  • "Speed Memory" was published in 1977. This book contains personal development advice from Tony Buzan as it relates to developing a powerful memory. Using the techniques in the book, readers can gain better recall of names, statistics, dates, and faces, so they can operate more efficiently in school, at work, and in personal situations.

If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 3 stars out of 5.

More and more books are also becoming available as ebooks and audibles.

  • "Make the Most of Your Mind" was first published in 1984 and is now available as an audio book in addition to a print book. This work by Tony Buzan contains personal development advice and exercises that helps readers sharpen thinking skills and memory recall. By working through the techniques provided, readers can also improve creativity, analytical skills, logical thinking, and reading comprehension.

  • "Use Both Sides of Your Brain: New Mind-Mapping Techniques" is a book by Tony Buzan that was published in 1991. This book presents scientific research about brain science and how using both sides of the brain can stimulate better creativity and improved performance in life.

  • "Speed Reading" by Tony Buzan was first published in 1971 and has been updated and re-released several times since then. It is another of the more popular personal development books by Tony Buzan. In this work, he teaches the art of speed reading with the goal of helping readers become more creative, think faster, study more successfully, and increase their knowledge in a short time.

  "The Mind Map Book" was originally published in 1996. The full title is "The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential." This book explains how to use mind maps for personal or business growth. In this work, Tony Buzan provides examples of mind maps and offers advice so readers can develop their own. The book is suitable for corporations, students, artists, athletes, and individuals who want to maximize the use of their brain power to achieve more success in life.

  • "Mind Maps at Work: How to Be the Best at Your Job and Still Have Time to Play." This book was published in 2005 and is filled with tips, exercises, and examples for workplace related mind maps. The goal of the book is to help motivate employees to become more successful and improve job satisfaction.

• "How to Mind Map" was published in 2006 and as the title suggests, this book by Tony Buzan helps readers understand the step-by-step process of mind mapping. This books makes it easy for beginners to understand the concept and develop their own mind maps that will help them come up with creative ideas, plan projects, excel in school, and be more productive at work.

  • "Buzan's Study Skills: Mind Maps, Memory Techniques, Speed Reading" is targeted to students and was published in 2007. Tony Buzan uses this work to teach students brain maximizing skills such as speed reading and memory improvement so they can excel in school and do better on exams.

  • "The Memory Book: How to Remember Anything You Want." This book was published in 2010 and is targeted towards individuals who want to develop super memory powers. Tony Buzan presents techniques in this book for training your memory to hold onto vast amounts of data so you can excel in school or at work.

Accomplishments of Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan not only teaches others how to get the most from life, he has built a successful life using the personal development advice he gives in his books and lectures. His work was the subject of a BBC series called "Use Your Head." He co-founded the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London and the Mind Sports Olympiad. He also founded the Brain Foundation, the Brain Trust Charity, the World Championships of the Brain, and the World Memory Championships.

Tony Buzan is a highly sought after motivational speaker, and has made numerous TV appearances. He has lectured to college students, heads of corporations, and governments. He has received awards for his public speaking ability and for his contribution to the field of brain science.

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