Empowerment Theory by The Personal Development Guy

• A unique empowerment theory by the Personal Development Guy

• Learn how letting go (the adage 'Let go let god') empowers you

• See how to control your emotions, the seven human needs, etc.

• Discover how to be yourself and how to find inner peace

• Get empowering modern holistic wisdom of non duality:
• Learn to see yourself, other people and life itself as a unified whole

• It's all experience based - and it really works in practice.

• Want to jump directly to the description of the theory? Then you can click here: Hardcore Empowerment Theory

One of a Kind - for YOU

On this page you’ll find something absolutely unique: my own personal empowerment theory.

After my life changing experiences (you can read a bit about those on the page About the Personal Development Guy) it took me seven years to develop the basics of this theory, and in recent years I’ve been refining it and developing it further.

This entire website (thePersonalDevelopmentGuy.com) is built upon that empowerment theory.

Not all that surprisingly ...

The purpose of my empowerment theory is to empower you - to give you an experience of increased power over your life.

Not just a sense of empowerment - an actual experience of being empowered.

If you want it and are ready to play along, that is. :-)

What This Empowerment Theory Can Do for You

I want you to have the best time possible here on planet Earth, and the way I can do that is to help you in three areas:

a) Goals: Because something turns you on & you want more of it
b) Problems: Because something is turning you off & you want to fix it
c) Insight: Because you want to know or understand something/everything

Those are the same three areas that thePersonalDevelopmentGuy.com as a whole is designed to help you with. The website in general is where you’ll find help in specific areas (e.g. self esteem, love tips and relationship problem advice).

This page, on the other hand, is where I collect it all and put forward a coherent empowerment theory. That will make the focus slant somewhat towards the ‘Insight’ end of the scale, but knowledge is power – or at least knowledge applied is.

What's This Empowerment Theory About?

The empowerment theory I'm presenting you with here sits on the cutting edge of personal development, psychology, philosophy and spirituality.

Bridge Building

It also builds a bridge between the (current) ego-focused psychology of the West and the millennia old spiritual traditions of the East. So far, in the West, only transpersonal psychology has done this, although apparently also theoretical physics (quantum mechanics) is starting to do so, too. Maybe it's all coming together now. Wouldn't that be great?

This empowerment theory accepts all religions but is in itself totally non-religious. (I guess you could call it a kind of philosophy, though).

Expanding and Simplifying Existing Theories

Compared to other empowerment theories this one is both simpler and more comprehensive. It just might be more powerful, too.
The expansion comes in the form of a philosophical level to the theory. In order for an empowerment theory to really work in practice this level is absolutely crucial because it puts everything in its proper perspective.

It's All Experience Based

This empowerment theory is based on experience. My experience, the experiences of the people I have helped and first and foremost: Your experience!
When you actually experience this philosophical level of this theory, it empowers you in a way that nothing else will.

Compared to Other Empowerment Theories

If you want to compare this empowerment theory to other empowerment theories in general, there's a paragraph towards the end of this page you can read. Just click here to read the Empowerment Theory Comparison. Otherwise, please just read on.

Empowerment Theory: What’s Important?

The most important criterion for any theory is this: Does it work?
First, give it a fair chance. Try it. If it doesn’t work for you, drop it. Let it go. That goes for any theory, this empowerment theory included.

This empowerment theory has helped me and many other people seize control of our life experience, solve problems and create a much better life.

My customers have told me that what I teach (and the way I coach) works better and faster than the alternatives that they have tried. And what I do is based on what is described here.

So, yeah:

This empowerment theory works.

Please, Cut Yourself Some Slack Here

Now, I spent many years learning to verbalize my new understanding, my new perspective and relating it to psychology, philosophy, personal development and spirituality.
This means that if I give my empowerment theory to you straight it may not be all that easy to understand. So cut yourself some slack. Or, a lot of slack.

What matters isn't so much that you understand the totality of the empowerment theory, but rather that you relate to the specific implications that are important to YOU (like for instance the implications for your self esteem, work, relationships, love life and sex life). That's what the buttons on the upper left side of every page on this website are for. (And, more buttons are on the way).

This page, it's for the sake of the overview. (More links and sub-pages will be added to it later).

Ready? Get Set ...

Enough small talk. Now, I am actually going to give it to you straight. Just the highlights, mind you, the primary parts, not all of it and not all the implications (again, use the buttons on the upper left side for those).
This is a theory which means: a) it isn't the absolute truth, b) it isn't an exhaustive description of the things it deals with and c) it is somewhat theoretical.

The 'theoretical' bit (c) means that most people will not find it an easy read. It is an empowering read, though! Also, it's interesting, because it's a unique coherent empowerment theory. (As far as I know nobody, as of this moment, has proposed anything similar).

This text is written in 2010. If I am right about the content of this empowerment theory, and to a very large extent I am sure that I am, I do believe that within the next decades most of these things will become common knowledge.

Remember, you read them on thePersonalDevelopmentGuy.com first.

... Go! HARDCORE Empowerment Theory

Okay. The very, very short version of my empowerment theory is this ...

Your Primary Job in Life Is to Experience

At the most comprehensive (or philosophical) level your primary job in life is EXPERIENCING.
All experiences are equally valid (though chances are, you prefer some kinds to other kinds).

You Choose Your Experiences by Using Your Free Will

The primary (and most powerful) tool with which you navigate in your experience is your FREE WILL to make CHOICES.

When it comes to your experience nothing (and I mean nothing!) is more powerful than your ability to choose. Whatever your life circumstances it is your choice (and your choice only) how you experience them.

With your free will you can create any experience you want. This is the idea behind the concept of SELF RESPONSIBILITY.

Basically, there are two opposing ways you can use your free will: Based on FEAR (AVOIDING) or based on LOVE (ATTAINING).

The type of focus you have will determine the type of experience you get. Needles to say, the experience based on fear is less pleasant than the one based on love.

If you experience very little control of your life experience (e.g. you feel like a victim) that's because - at an unconscious level - you choose to do so. The moment you make a different decision (e.g. you stop thinking, feeling and behaving like a victim) your experience starts to change.

The Most Empowering Choice is Letting Go

Any choice you make using your free will is valid; however, the most powerful and empowering choice you can make is LETTING GO. We'll get back to that shortly.

By Choosing You Create, Learn and Grow

Three important functions of living, experiencing and choosing are CREATING, LEARNING and GROWING. You do these things in every way possible - consciously or unconsciously.

Creating - Your Experience at Your Fingertips

Obviously the most important thing you create is your experience, but you can choose to create anything you want. You can create discord, conflict and destruction or peace, harmony, art and things that grow and blossom. It's all up to you.
Personal development, self improvement and spirituality are actually attempts to create a better life experience for yourself - and done right they work, too.

Learning - Living Smarter, Not Harder

For each choice you make with your free will you will experience consequences. (Not choosing is a choice, too). This is your primary way of learning in life (trial and error).
Of course, since you can create any experience you want for yourself, you may - if you prefer - actually create a situation where you do not learn, or at least learn very little. As you have probably noticed some people do this (often by using beliefs, which we will get back to shortly).

Growing - Getting to Feel Bigger & Better

As you live, experience, create and learn you grow in every way; physically, mentally, emotionally and so on. Concepts like personal growth, spiritual growth, personal development, self realization and self actualization are more or less aimed at this.

Your Everyday Tools of Creation: Meant for Fun, But Apparently Turned Against You

Your everyday tools of creation are your THOUGHTS, FELINGS/EMOTIONS, ACTIONS/HABITS and NEEDS. You have total control over each of these elements. Isn't that your experience? :-)
Of course it isn't. Most people do not experience their control over their thoughts, feelings, actions and needs because they exercise their control on an unconscious level.

If you engage in consciousness raising (perhaps even 'inducing consciousness') and attain higher levels of consciousness and awareness in your everyday life, you start gaining conscious control of your thoughts, feelings, actions/habits and needs.

Also, there are specific tools you can use for taking control of each element (tool of creation).

For example: You can use positive thinking, affirmations, The Work by Byron Katie and my own the Let Go Method to gain control of your thoughts.

On this website I present you with tools for each of those tools of creation.

Your Thoughts - the Big 'What If?' Generator

Almost everyone knows the experience of thinking. You use your thoughts to consider things. More than anything else, your thinking mind is a 'scenario generator'.
But do you know how control it, and even more importantly: turn it off?

If you don't, you really need to. Learning to control your thoughts using your free will is empowering. Learning to switch of your thinking mind entirely at will is even more empowering.

Your Feelings- the Apparent Enigma of Emotions

Almost everyone also knows the experience of feeling, having emotions. Sometimes you get scared, or upset, or confused, or sad, or angry, right? Other times you feel at peace, or empowered, or happy, or loving, right? Well, those are feelings.
To most people feelings are an enigma. They don't 'understand' their feelings.

The thing is there isn't much to understand. Feelings/emotions are supposed to be a) experienced and b) used as pointers - and that's it.

Knowing this and being able to use it in practice is highly empowering.

Your Actions/Habits - Do What You Are, Don't Be What You Do

Your actions are the things you choose to do.
Most of your actions are performed with your physical body, but actions may also be taken with (for example) your mind and your energies.

Your actions will be based on your thoughts, feelings, needs and beliefs and just like those elements your actions are controlled by your free will.

If you perform an action (or a series of actions) often, it may move from your conscious control and into your unconscious control and become a habit - or even an addiction.

For some people action (and say, procrastination) and habits/addictions are big issues and learning to deal with them is, of course, empowering.

Your Needs - A Human's Gotta Do What a Human's Gotta Do?

You have many needs, we all do. In fact the number of perceived needs of mankind is almost unlimited. Some needs, however, are more general and basic than others.
The American psychologist Abraham Maslow made ground breaking work in the area of human needs. Broadly speaking Maslows hierarchy of needs is the foundation for the way we consider needs today.

Originally Maslow formulated five basic human needs, placed in a hierarchy, (like a pyramid, the 'Maslow Pyramid of Needs') with the most basic ones at the bottom and the most 'advanced' one at the top. Later he (and others) differentiated the one need at the top (self-actualization) into four needs, making it eight needs in all.

Starting from the bottom of the pyramid, Maslow's hierarchy of needs (final version) are: physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs, cognitive needs, aesthetic needs and the need for self-transcendence (at the top of the 'Maslow Pyramid'). I'm preparing a page on Maslow's hierarchy of needs [LINK].

Paying homage to Maslow I have formulated my own theory about seven human needs which are the basic motivators of most people.

The seven basic human needs I work with are polarized, meaning that for each 'positive' need there is an opposite and 'negative' need which may motivate people.

The Personal Development Guy's 7 Polarized Basic Human Needs:

1. Physical survival & reproduction/sex - vs. - death instinct & abstinence
2. Safety, comfort & predictability - vs. - unpredictability & challenge
3. Control, responsibility & freedom - vs. - no control, no responsibility
4. Recognition & a feeling of belonging - vs. - disapproval & individuality
5. Giving and contributing - vs. - receiving / getting
6. Development & full use of abilities - vs. - status quo & self limitation
7. Unity, wholeness & being your soul identity - vs. - separation & ego
You can let go of every one of those seven human needs. Letting go of a need is in fact the most empowering way of dealing with it.

Many people find the thought of letting go of needs strange and confusing, but I assure you: it works in practice. It works really, really well.

The Hierarchy of Needs: How You Can Empower Yourself Using the Seven Human Needs

I have written a very long and in-depth self improvement article on our basic human needs. The main point is that while our perceived needs are indeed the most potent motivators in our lives, we do not have to let ourselves be controlled blindly by them.
Most of all, it is the FEAR of not having our needs met, that leads us to do stupid, unnecessary things. And, as you may be aware FEAR is not even real. It is just a concoction of our mind - and a damaging one at that.

Read more about our basic human needs in the personal development article The Hierarchy of Needs.


Your thoughts, feelings, actions/habits and needs create a coherent web inside of your BELIEFS (including your belief about who you are, your relative identity). In fact you use thoughts, feelings, actions/habits and needs to CREATE BELIEFS.

You Create Beliefs - and the Power of Belief Is Enormous

Your beliefs are a collection of what-you-have-decided-is-true.
beliefs and empowerment
Your beliefs are like the frame of a painting ... or the cage a bird sits in. Most of your experience takes place WITHIN the frame (or the self created cage) and generally speaking you will ignore or explain away experiences that fall outside the frame/cage of your beliefs.

In actuality you don't need any beliefs at all, but most people have many, many beliefs. These beliefs range from the deep seated core beliefs (which are very resistant to change) to very superficial beliefs (that people may change at a moment's notice).

In personal development, self improvement and spirituality beliefs are one of the most potent things you can work with. Read more here about the Power of Belief.

Generally speaking the more beliefs a person holds, the less free she or he is - a person with many beliefs is a person who is very caged in, so to speak.

Dropping or letting go of a belief frees the person to experience absolute reality in that area, which is a vital part of this empowerment theory, but we'll get back to that in a moment.

Perception Is Reality: You Create a Relative Reality)

All your beliefs taken together form a coherent web of PERSONAL, RELATIVE REALITY, which is likely to be the basis of your life experience.
That is: Your have created your personal, relative reality using your beliefs as the primary building blocks, and this defines the limits of your experience.

There are almost as many personal realities as there are people on Earth. They are all equally valid. (Or, if you prefer (which I don't): equally invalid).

In personal development, self improvement and spirituality you actively work at changing your personal, relative reality - or even completely letting go of it.

In this empowerment theory letting go of your relative reality is the most empowering thing you can do. Read more here about your own, You Perception Is Reality: You Create a Relative Reality)

- "Consensus Reality"

Consensus Reality
- Is It Good for You?

In a word: No.

That, of course, is an unnuanced answer, and not entirely true, as we shall see, but it is more true than not.

If you are interested in personal development, spiritual growth, happiness, inner peace, love, wonder and freedom, odds are that you will want to distance yourself quite a bit from the common world view of your culture.

 - "What Is Reality?"

What is reality?

You know what reality is, right?

Sure! You experience it every day. Right?

Well, odds are that you are both right and wrong. There are several kinds of reality, you see. And if you are interested in personal development, self improvement, spiritual growth, lasting happiness, love, freedom and inner peace that is a pretty important fact.

No, scratch that, it is an all important fact! So, please read on, and we'll uncover reality together.

You Can Choose to Let Go (and Let Life)

As I mentioned above any choice you make is valid, but the most powerful choice you can make is LETTING GO.

You can let go of anything you feel attached to and it will improve your experience of it (and of anything connected to it).

One might call this 'let go and let life' (sometimes called 'let go let god') - a choice which (probably contrary to your expectation) actually frees, enhances and empowers your free will.

In this empowerment theory the fourth most powerful things to let go of are thoughts, feelings and actions/habits.

The third most powerful thing to let go of is needs.

The second most powerful thing to let go of is beliefs.

And the most powerful thing to let go of is your entire collection of beliefs, i.e. you personal, relative reality. This leads to one version of spiritual enlightenment. Not many people do this.

The biggest obstacle to letting go is fear. The more powerful the letting go is, the more fear you have to overcome (or: go through) in order to do it. Happily 'a letting go' can be temporary as well as permanent, giving people the (less scary) chance to 'try it out'.

Absolute Reality
Contains All Personal Realities

Your personal, relative reality exists inside ABSOLUTE REALITY. As mentioned, most other people also create their own personal, relative reality. All of those personal realities exist inside absolute reality.

Though most of us experience our own, personal reality most of the time, absolute reality certainly CAN be experienced, both temporarily and permanently. Most (if not all) people have actually tried it. You, too, in all likelihood. Chances are you just didn't realize that absolute reality was what you experienced.

(Important note: Absolute reality is NOT to be confused with Consensus Reality which is a totally different 'animal' altogether. Concensus reality is merely an aggregated version of people's relative realities, usually based on the lowest common denominator. Consensus reality is simply an example of social construction of reality).

empowerment and peace
Many people have experienced absolute reality in flashes or for brief periods of time, either in nature (e.g. watching a sunrise), while doing sports (skiing, for instance), while performing their art or craft, during birth or with their children and other loved ones (including during sex) or for no apparent reason.

A typical statement that indicates the experience of absolute reality is this:

"Suddenly, just for a moment, I got all quiet and peaceful inside, everything made total sense and I just knew that everything is all right just the way it is. I can't explain it."

Remembering times like that and experiencing absolute reality (even if only for a moment) is vital if you want to apply this empowerment theory to your life in practice. Absolute reality is something you really need to experience.

Experiencing absolute reality feels like coming Home (with a capital 'h') to unconditional love, spaciousness, (ecstatic) joy, silence and deep inner peace. It feels like that because it IS like that. Unconditional love, spaciousness, etc. are the hallmarks of absolute reality.

Absolute reality is easy to understand once you experience it, but hard to explain to stressed out people living in personal, relative reality.

We are so used to thinking in terms of opposites (e.g. big vs. small; good vs. evil; right vs. wrong, etc.), but absolute reality contains all opposites. That includes, for example, all beliefs.

Absolute reality is that-which-is. It is the truth of things, the absolute truth. It is life as a whole - the way it really is.

According to this empowerment theory you can live in absolute reality in one or more areas of life and not in others. (That's what I myself do). This is what happens if you let go and get completely clear in one area of your life (love, for instance) ... if you let go of all attachments and beliefs and simply experience that-which-is.

If you live completely (one hundred percent) in absolute reality you see all things the way they really are and chances are that other people will call you spiritually enlightened. (This is what I call one version of spiritual enlightenment, above). If you wish, you can read more here about Absolute Reality.

Your Identity, Specifically Seen
- from the Tiny You to the Gigantic You

You as an entity exist on many different levels; three of the most important ones being the level of EGO & BODY, the level of your SOUL and level of LIFE ITSELF.

You, as Ego and Body - the Tiny You

This is how most people think of themselves most of the time: As a body and an ego.
Now, please don't confuse my use of the word 'ego' with, say, Sigmund Freud's use of the word. Rather, I use the word in the same way modern day spiritual teachers (say, Gangaji or Eckhart Tolle) do.

The ego is mechanical in nature, a fear based psychological coping mechanism primarily focused on physical survival. I sometimes refer to the ego as your small or limited or relative personality.

Understanding the workings of your ego is empowering, and the best tool I know for getting to know your ego is the Enneagram.

Your free will, of course, supersedes your ego at all times.

The body I view as a wonderful experiencing tool, rather like an extremely advanced, self sustaining space suit. It, too, is the subject of your free will.

You, as Soul - the Bigger You

Now, some people will balk at the word 'soul' because it has been used and abused so much through the ages. If you are one of those people, you can replace it, with 'your big personality' or 'your less relative personality'. I also call it Home (with a capital 'h'). But it doesn't matter what you call it.
Whether or not you like the word soul, the fact remains that you have such a 'bigger, less relative personality'. I have experienced this myself and helped other many other people experience it, too.

This 'big personality' permeates your body, your mind and your ego, and extends beyond. In fact, in terms of size, your body and ego exist inside of your soul.

Note: This also means the common idea that your soul is some small spark inside your heart (or elsewhere) is a total misconception. (By the way, it also means that the term 'sell your soul' is a joke).

The reason why many people have difficulty with the concept of soul (or: the big personality) is that they don't get in conscious contact with this part of themselves. Since we all exist inside of our soul we are in total, constant (albeit usually unconscious) contact with it at all times.

BUT since the soul is based on the same things as absolute reality (life itself), i.e. unconditional love, spaciousness, (ecstatic) joy, silence and deep inner peace, the soul doesn't really 'interrupt' or 'meddle' in our lives.

(Incidentally EVERY part of life is based on those characteristics, including you and every part of you - more about that some other time).

There are several well known ways to consciously contact your soul, including countless kinds of inner journeys, meditation, yoga and my own the Let Go Method.

Basically the way to go is relaxing and silencing your thoughts, feelings, needs and suspending your beliefs.

You, as Life Itself - the Really Big You

When you have experienced your soul in practice you'll tend to ask: What could possibly be bigger than this? The answer is: life itself - or, more precisely - you, as life itself.
Imagine being every living and inanimate thing in existence, every atom, every subatomic particle in the universe. Now, THAT'S big!

You can't imagine it, of course, because our rational brains can't really process it. But you CAN experience it. I know, because I have experienced it.

Of course saying that 'I' have experienced it is kind of a contradiction in terms, because in order to experience it every trace of a personality (including the big personality of the soul) has to be merged into life itself (essentially dissolved).

When that happens who is there to experience it? Nobody. There is literally no identity left, and therefore no one to experience. Yet, the experience still takes place.

Talking about this particular experience is a bit of a brain tickler. One other thing that I can say about that experience is: BOY, does it feel good! : -)

The joy of total oneness is by far, far FAR the most intense joy 'I' have ever experienced.

Your Identity, Generally Speaking
- You, the Jigsaw Puzzle

Looking at you in a different light, more like a jigsaw puzzle, there are, generally speaking, three experiential levels of existence:
- The SMALLER PARTS that make up you
(E.g. your feelings, thoughts, your ego or your cells)

(Your chosen identity; what you think of as 'I' or 'me')

(E.g. your soul, humanity, the Earth and life itself)

All these levels are interwoven; in fact they are so closely knit together that cannot possibly be separated, because YOU ARE INSIDE LIFE AND LIFE IS INSIDE YOU. Therefore:

You, other people & things and indeed all of life are A UNIFIED WHOLE.

An Empowerment Theory of Non Duality? Yep!

Over the centuries Western philosophy and religion have evolved into duality, meaning that they, perhaps unknowingly, stress differences and separation between philosophies, between religions, between people, and between the individual and that which is bigger.

In practice this means that we use our minds to think thoughts like 'I am here and life is over there'. Or, in the case of religion, 'I am here and god is up there.' Or, in the case of psychology, 'I am here and you are over there.' There's a split. A duality.

The problem with duality, apart from the fact that is plain incorrect, is that it's awfully lonely. When we think like that we become islands, lost in a huge sea. Which, in fact, we're not.

The empowerment theory that I present heals that duality. As such it is an empowerment theory of non duality. There is no split. We are all connected. We are all connected with each other and we are all connected with life.

In fact there is no way we can avoid being connected. We can ignore the connection, pretend it's not there, which we have done for centuries, but - happily - we can't make it go away. And being connected is SO much more powerful than pretending not to be.

(Note: In the East there are several old philosophies of nonduality / nondualism - 'advaita vedanta' is an example from (Vedantic) Hinduism and both Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra are basically based on non duality).

All Is Well. Really!

Let me just repeat what is perhaps the most important point of this empowerment theory:
You are inside life and life is inside you. Therefore you, other people & things and indeed all of life are a unified whole!

The primary implication of this wholeness is that all is as it should be. You are whole and as you should be. The same goes for other people and life itself.

Sure, your personal experience probably differs from these statements. The point is, though, that it doesn't have to!

You have the power to experience wholeness, total wholeness.

If you are interested in self help, self improvement, personal development and spirituality, chances are that this is a big part of what you have been searching for.

The way to figure out whether this is true or not is to apply my empowerment theory in practice. To do that please use the links on this page and the buttons on the upper left side of the page.

Empowerment Theory in General versus
the Personal Development Guy's Empowerment Theory

Finally, in order to put things in perspective I'll (very) briefly relate my empowerment theory to other empowerment theories in general.

What Is Empowerment?

A general definition of empowerment is this:
Empowerment is a process by which individuals and groups gain power over their own lives, the power to act and the necessary resources so as to enable them to reach their highest personal and collective goals and aspirations.

Focus Levels

Generally speaking empowerment theories focus on three levels:
1) the personal level (intrapersonal, i.e. inside you)
2) the social or group level (interpersonal, i.e. you in relationship to others/a group)
3) the political level (i.e. you in relationship to society)

... with the personal level being the most important one, since it's the foundation of the other two.

The empowerment theory I present here is much the same, except it both expands AND simplifies matters by focusing primarily on two levels:

1) the personal level (intrapersonal, i.e. inside you)
4) the philosophical level (i.e. you in relationship to all of life)

The above mentioned social/group level (2) and political level (3) are merely seen as extensions of the personal level (1). Or, to put it differently: Chances are, that if you get it right on level 1) and 4) you'll get it right on levels 2) and 3), too. :-)


The primary ways in which both 'traditional' empowerment theory and this empowerment theory propose to empower you is by:
- increasing your consciousness (about yourself, others and life)
- helping you assume personal responsibility
- developing your skill set (your ability to handle yourself and life)

The above three things will help you:

- build up your self-efficacy (i.e. personal power to create)
- increase your self appreciation
- decrease your self depreciation (self-blame)
- increase your appreciation of others and life in general
- decrease your blaming of others and life in general
- get a better life experience
- empower you to help others get a better life experience
- help you live a more ecologically balanced life in general

... among other things.

Perhaps most importantly my empowerment theory is aimed directly at you as a person. It provides YOU with both the theoretical understanding and the practical tools to create your own life experience.

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 You might also like to read something related to this empowerment theory at the page Letting Go, or at the page Personal Development, or at the page the Meaning of Life

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List of all the subpages to the main page Empowerment Theory: Hierachy of Needs, Power of Belief, Absolute Reality, Perception is Reality, Construction of Reality, What is Reality , What is Forgiveness?, How to Forgive, Forgiveness Quotes , Self Forgiveness, Learning to Forgive.

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