• The seven human needs are universal, but not set in stone.
• Understanding & learning to deal with needs is empowering!
• Maslow's hierarchy of needs listed 5 (later 8) basic human
• The Personal
Development Guy suggests seven ...
• ... AND, more importantly,
tells you how to set yourself free
Empower Yourself by Understanding the Hierarchy of Needs
Becoming aware of your needs and learning to deal with them is
one of the most empowering things you can do. Why? Because the
needs you perceive yourself to have can - and do - control
your feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions. This is true
whether you are aware of it or not.
You, however, are
in control of your needs. Precious few people realize this. If
you want a better life and personal empowerment I strongly
urge you to read on so that you become one of those who do.
You see, if you are NOT aware of
your perceived needs you effectively become a slave of them. An
unwitting slave, but a slave nonetheless. Your needs will control
your feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions and you will have no
choice about this. By gaining awareness of your needs and what to do
with them you empower yourself and set yourself free.
short, we FEEL, THINK, BELIEVE and ACT as if our needs are absolute
(real and unavoidable) when in fact they are relative (not all that
real and a matter of choice). You don't NEED to have your needs
fulfilled; you can choose to let them go!This is a bold
statement indeed, and I'll get back to it in the latter part of this
page. By the way, this page is one of the more basic and powerful of
the self improvement articles on this website - an important part of
my (the Personal Development Guy's)
empowerment theory.
What Are Your Needs?
You may
feel a need for just about anything: From the most basic need to
survive to the need for sex, to the need for control or freedom, to
the need for personal development, to the need for another
cigarette, drink or piece of chocolate. Huge and general or small
and specific, our perceived needs are as countless as the waves of
the sea.
You may feel a need to keep a certain job - or to leave
it. You may feel a need to discipline your child - or to show your
child unconditional love no matter what. You may feel a need to
sleep - or to stay awake. You may feel a need for a cup of coffee -
or to never touch coffee again.
Your need could be anything,
anything at all - and odds are you REALLY want each and every need
you perceive to be fulfilled.
The Seven Human Needs = The Basic Human
To have your big and basic needs fulfilled you
will do almost anything, and you won't even think twice about it.
Needs are one of the most powerful motivators there are - perhaps
THE most powerful motivator.That is one of the reasons why the
understanding and learning to deal with the basic human needs is so
incredibly important:
Needs are behind many or even most things we
do. Even when we neglect to do something it usually has to do with
some need we (consciously or unconsciously) perceive that we have.
If you are or have been in sales, odds are you already know
this. If you can convince someone that they NEED your product it is
as good as sold. There is even a sales model called 'needs based
selling'. The needs based selling model can be applied to any and
all kinds of sale - simply because the basic human needs are
universal and most of us tend to think we MUST have our needs
As you can no doubt see by now, those 'in the
know' about needs, can manipulate those who are not 'in the know' -
and if you take the time and effort to educate yourself in the area
of the basic human needs, you are doing yourself a huge favor by
empowering yourself immensely. Needs are worth understanding - and
it is just as worth it if you learn how to deal with needs.
A Science of Human Needs?
But if needs are really that important, isn't there
some science of needs? Well, yes, or at least there are some very
intelligent scientists and authors who have proposed different ways
to look at and categorize human needs.
In the personal
development literature (self help books and authors [LINK]) these
are several theories about needs:
From Abraham Maslows
hierarchy of needs (early theory: 5 basic needs, later theory, in
conjunction with others: 8 basic human needs), to the complex matrix
of 9 needs and 4 'satisfiers' proposed by Chilean economist and
philosopher Manfred Max-Neef together with Antonio Elizalde and
Martin Hopenhayn, to the seven human needs which are polarized
(making it 14 total, in a way) that I myself (the Personal
Development Guy) propose and use.
As they are all just
theories (attempts to simplify and describe reality) none of them is
better, more 'right' or more correct than any other. I am going to
dedicate several self improvement articles to the subject of needs,
but in this one I will give you a brief overview of my own theory
and tell you
how to identify and deal constructively with your needs
so that you may set yourself free.
Dealing with a million or
more needs is impractical, so theorists attempt to 'bunch' or
'chunk' them and figure out what the most basic ones are. Here's how
I have bunched them:
Personal Development Guy's Theory of
Seven Polarized Basic Human
1. Physical survival & reproduction/sex - vs. - death
instinct & abstinence
2. Safety, comfort & predictability - vs.
- unpredictability & challenge
3. Control, responsibility &
freedom - vs. - no control, no responsibility
4. Recognition & a
feeling of belonging - vs. - disapproval & individuality
Giving and contributing - vs. - receiving / getting
Development & full use of abilities - vs. - status quo & self
7. Unity, wholeness & being your soul identity - vs.
- separation & ego
Explanations for the Seven Polarized Basic Human Needs
most common version of a need is the one on the left side of the
dash in the above overview. This means that e.g. feeling a need for
survival and/or reproduction is more common than feeling a need for
death (having a death wish) and/or sexual abstinence. Both are quite
possible, though.
So when you look at the overview of the seven
human needs above you will find the most common version on the left
side of the dash and the less common version - the opposite polarity
of the same need - on the right side of the dash.
All of
these seven needs in both of the polarized versions are extremely
powerful human motivators. Most of what we do in life is motivated
by one or more of these seven human needs.
Now, there's
nothing wrong with that, except if you let it happen unconsciously
you forfeit the possibility of making a conscious choice and
directing your life and experience consciously.
Further, if
you DO make yourself aware of these powerful basic needs and you get
so far as to realize that they are NOT unavoidable forces that must
be obeyed, but rather relative needs that you can bend, adapt,
substitute and even let go of completely (very empowering!) then you
free yourself to make any choice in life you desire.
Okay, so
that's a brief overview of the Personal Development Guy's model of
the seven human needs. How does this theory compare to the most
famous model of the basic human needs?
Maslow's Theory about the Basic Human
Probably the most famous and most commonly accepted
model of our needs is
Abraham Maslows
hierarchy of needs. This
theory of 5 basic human needs was proposed as early as 1943 (in a
paper he called '
A Theory of Human Motivation'), further developed
in 1954 (in the book 'Motivation and Personality') and since fully
developed to a theory of 8 basic human needs, partially with the
cooperation of other scientists.
Here are the 8 basic human needs
from the Maslow pyramid of needs, with the most basic ones first,
and the original 5 made
1. Physiological Needs
Needs for Safety and Security
3. Needs for Love and Belonging
4. Esteem and Recognition Needs5. Cognitive Needs
Aesthetic Needs
7. Need for Self-actualization8. Need for
Maslow's Hierachy of Needs:

Discussing Maslows Hierarchy of Needs vs. the Personal
Development Guy's Seven Human Neeeds
Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs
is, as the name suggests, a hierarchy - a way of organizing the
basic human needs with the most basic and important ones first
(survival and comfort needs), the somewhat less basic and important
ones (social needs) later, and the even more optional ones (self
realization needs) in the end - or at the top of the 'pyramid', as
many graphical depictions of Maslows hierarchy of needs indicate.
Hierarchy of Needs or No Hierarchy of Needs?Given that the seven
human needs that I use are fairly close to the (5 or later: 8) basic
human needs that Abraham Maslow proposed (except that the seven
human needs I operate with are polarized, making for a more flexible
and accurate system) one would think that I would have the same
hierarchical organization of the basic human needs. Well, I don't,
not really.
I do think that there is a
sort of loose
hierarchy of needs in that the first two or three basic human needs
(survival/sex + safety/comfort + perhaps also control/freedom) are
more important and basic to us than the rest. The other four or five
needs, however, often take varying precedence over each other,
depending on the individual and his or her situation.
For one
thing every human individual is unique and each person may emphasize
different needs, and for another there may be cultural differences
at play, too.
For instance there may be differences between
people raised in individualistic societies (e.g. USA, Europe and
other Western cultures - such as the one where I myself grew up) and
those raised in more collectivist societies (where family or group
is perceived as more important than the individual).
latter was pointed out by Dutch anthropologist and social
psychologist Geert Hofstede (
Gerard Hendrik Hofstede) who theorizes
that in collectivist societies the needs for acceptance and
togetherness (community) may outweigh the needs for freedom and
Hierarchy of Needs: One of the Needs Is
Usually PrimaryAlso, any action a person takes can easily be
motivated by more than one of the basic seven human needs.
my work as a business coach and a personal development coach what I
almost always see, however, is that in any given situation one of
the seven basic needs is perceived to be the main motivator, a.k.a.
the primary need. Other basic human needs may be involved, but will
be perceived as secondary.
In short,
in any given situation
you can almost always pinpoint one single basic need that is more
important to you than the others.
All this makes for a
different kind of hierarchy of needs - a more flexible one than the
one proposed in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Hierarchy of Needs - or not:
Examples of the Seven Polarized
Basic Human Needs in Practice
Since it has been a while since
I mentioned the backbone of my own (the Personal Development Guy's)
theory of seven polarized basic human needs, here they are again:
1. Physical survival & reproduction/sex - vs. - death instinct &
2. Safety, comfort & predictability - vs. -
unpredictability & challenge
3. Control, responsibility &
freedom - vs. - no control, no responsibility
4. Recognition & a
feeling of belonging - vs. - disapproval & individuality
Giving and contributing - vs. - receiving / getting
Development & full use of abilities - vs. - status quo & self
7. Unity, wholeness & being your soul identity - vs.
- separation & ego
A lot of 'smaller' less basic human
needs fall into each of the above seven categories (in fact EVERY
human need imaginable falls into one of the seven categories. Here
are some real life examples:
- If you work outside of your
home you might feel a need to always take the same route and type of
transportation to your place of work, even though several
alternatives exist. Beneath this behavior lies the basic need for
comfort, safety and predictability (in the loose hierarchy of needs,
above, that's basic need no. 2, above).
- Next Sunday you may
feel a need to do something completely different and go ice skating
or parachuting or skinny dipping in the moonlight. This is likely
caused by the basic human need for unpredictability, which, is in
the loose hierarchy of needs above, is basic need no. 2, but on the
right side of the dash.
- You may feel a need to switch to
another job because your boss keeps failing to recognize your
achievements and your colleagues aren't really all that good as
colleagues go. Well, you can attribute that feeling of need to basic
need no. 4 in the loose hierarchy of needs above, the need for
recognition and a feeling of belonging.
- If you have a
child, and this child has been begging for your attention for a
while without getting it, the child may feel a need to do something
that you don't like or don't allow (being unruly). This is the basic
need for disapproval at play (in the loose hierarchy of needs above,
that's basic need no. 4, but on the right side of the dash).
- You may feel a need to work for your charities and non-profit
organizations. This is likely because you feel a need to be giving
(basic need no. 5 in the loose hierarchy of needs, above).
You may feel a unconscious need to be nagging your lover or spouse.
This is likely to be caused by the basic human need for receiving
(i.e. you want love, attention, etc.) - also need no. 5 in the loose
hierarchy of needs above, but on the right side of the dash.
And the final example:
- You are reading this page on
personaldevelopmentguy.com and odds are that you have bought self
improvement books or self help ebooks (such as my own
Finding Inner
Peace by Letting Go).
Well, this is likely to be because you
feel a need to learn more about yourself, other people and life so
that you may experience personal growth, self improvement and a
better quality of life.
This would likely be caused by either
the more basic need of development and making full use of your
abilities (basic need no. 6, above) or the more basic need for
wholeness and unity (basic need no. 7 in the loose hierarchy of
needs, above).
You may be motivated by just one of those
needs, or both.
How Understanding the Basic Human
Needs Empowers You
Why go to the trouble of determining
which of the seven basic human needs is at play? Three main
1) Since our needs are our basic motivators, odds
are that anything you feel, think, believe and do will be
colored by or perhaps even dictated by your needs.
other words:
If you're not in control of your needs,
then they are in control of you!2) You need to realize
the basic need driving you because your unconscious behavior -
caused by the need you (unconsciously) perceive - may be quite
counterproductive. In fact it often is. Using two of the
examples above being unruly is not likely to get the child the
loving attention he or she craves, and nagging your spouse or
lover is not likely to get you the love and attention that you
In other words:
If you can't recognize
(and communicate) your own true need, you may have a hard time
getting it fulfilled.3) You need to realize the basic
need driving you because only when you do can you adjust your
feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions so that you can either
a) get what you REALLY want
b) let your
perceived need go.
In other words:
your real need is the first step in dealing effectively with
The Hardest -
and Most Important Thing to Understand about ALL Your Human
So, now you've heard about the hierarchy of needs
(be it loose like I propose or stable like Maslow proposes)
and you learnt why needs are so powerful and you've seen why
you can empower yourself by learning to recognize and deal
with your basic seven human needs. Now we get to this:
Understanding the most important thing there is to understand
about your needs. This thing is also the very hardest thing to
understand. I have mentioned it in the beginning of this self
improvement article, but I haven't gone into it. So, without
further ado, here it is again, in an expanded version:
You tend to THINK and FEEL and BELIVE and ACT as if your needs
are absolute (unavoidable and must be fulfilled), but in fact
they are relative (flexible and subject to your will).
This fact is true of all your needs, and it is at the core of
your personal empowerment.
You DO NOT NEED your needs
to be fulfilled! They are within your control, every single
one of them.
Finally, there is a huge difference
between your BELIEF about your need and the ACTUAL need. Your
belief does NOT equal your actual need! On the contrary,
compared to the actual need your belief about your need will
often be inflated and distorted.
Letting go of your
belief about one of your needs is easier than letting go of
the need itself.
Realizing all this and acting
accordingly empowers you and sets you free.With the
small and unimportant needs you can probably accept that they
don't need to be fulfilled. You don't ACTUALLY need that cup
of coffee or piece of candy right now. Nor do you need to take
the same form of transportation going the same way to work
every day. And so on.
With the bigger and more
important needs there's a bigger challenge accepting the above
(bolded) statements. It is harder to believe that you do not
actually need that boring job. And even harder to believe that
you don't need to be in control of a lot of things. And even
harder yet to accept that you don't actually need sex (or
sexual abstinence).
And hardest of all, of course, will
be accepting that you do not actually need physical survival.
On Physical
Survival and the Ego vs. Soul
We FEEL a huge need for
physical survival, but we don't actually have to believe in
that feeling. Your body, if left to its own devices, would
definitely disagree - it is hardwired for survival.
Nevertheless we can let our physical body die if we so choose,
and, more importantly we can let go of the conviction that we
must do anything to survive (this is important and we will get
back to it).
There are countless instances every year when
someone risks and maybe even loses their physical life to
perform some compassionate or heroic deed. Why would people do
You would need to ask each person (assuming they
survived) but at the core of the seemingly strange behavior
may be the realization that even though our body dies (which
it tends to do eventually in any case) our most basic identity
lives on.
My Own
Explorations and Experiences in Consciousness
I am not
going to bore you with my own explorations in consciousness at
this point; suffice it to say that they have revealed to me
that yes, we humans do indeed have a bigger and more basic
identity than the one we tend to identify with in our everyday
lives (which is
our ego), and yes, that bigger, more basic
identity is NOT in any way affected by the state of the
physical body.
If you are not averse to using this kind of
terminology you might say that we do indeed have a soul, and
seen in a human perspective that soul is indeed immortal.
I usually talk about our big core identity (the soul)
versus our small, relative identity (the ego).
the transformational experiences that some of my many
explorations in consciousness lead to, I, personally, identify
much more with my soul (and that which is even bigger) than
with my ego. I do recommend doing this, as it puts an end to
most kinds of fear, empowers you immensely and allows you to
live a life of freedom no matter what your circumstances - not
to mention the fact that it feels so much better than
identifying with the ego.
On Physical Survival and the Physical Body
As for
the body, I often call it my space suit, because that is how I
perceive it - a suit I have temporarily donned to explore the
wonders of physical existence in this particular time and age
on planet Earth. (Of course it is not so much a question of 'donning'
the body - it is more a question of fusing with it, or even
more precisely: becoming one with it).
An interesting
sidebar is what I sometimes experienced during the period when
I worked as an apprentice 'divemaster' in Cyprus, Greece:
Sometimes tourists trying out underwater diving (with
scuba gear and an instructor) for the first time would panic
under water. Spotting and taking care of divers in a first
time tourist group who were about to panic (or who actually
panicked) was one of my responsibilities.
When someone
panics underwater it is an extremely dangerous situation, both
for the person panicking and for anyone trying to help that
person (that would be me).
Here's the thing: A
panicking person has close to zero awareness, but is reacting
solely from a bodily point of view. What does this entail? It
may entail getting rid of the air supply (yes, people do that!),
getting rid of the diving mask (yep, people do that, too),
thrashing wildly about with arms and legs, grabbing anyone
nearby in a death strangle, etc. etc.
Under water this
behavior is likely to get people killed.
What is
interesting about this is the fact that virtually no higher
awareness is present, and the body reacts instinctively.
Instinct tells the body that being under the water is bad,
having something in your mouth (the breathing apparatus) is
bad and having something in front of your eyes (the mask) is
bad. Hence, the dangerous behavior.
At the start of
this paragraph ('On Physical Survival ...') I mentioned the
importance of letting go of the conviction that we must
survive at any cost. There is a big difference between letting
go of a need and letting go of the actual achievement of
whatever the need is about ...
The Difference between a Basic Human Need
and a Belief in a Basic Human Need
We all tend to BELIEVE
whatever our feelings, thoughts and needs tell us. We even tend to
act upon it. But we don't have to. We don't have to do believe
anything and we don't have to do anything, either.
In fact, most
people have taught themselves that they don't need to believe
everything their feelings and thoughts tell them (sadly, it's not
really like we learn this in school, is it?).
If we had not
taught ourselves this we would do all sorts of terrible things every
time we had a negative thought or a murderous feeling. But we don't,
because we know that what the thoughts and feelings say - or yell at
us - is not real, is not true.
They're just thoughts and
feelings, after all. They come and they go.
When it comes to
our needs it is harder. Most people have never even considered the
fact that needs aren't that far removed from thoughts and feelings -
and do not have to be blindly obeyed.
Suggestion: Stop Behaving like an Automaton just
because You Have Some Human Needs
When I tell someone they
don't NEED to cling to their need (whatever it is) but can in fact
let the need go just by making a decision to do so, they often have
trouble with it because they somehow think that if they don't
BELIEVE in a need they will not be able to (or: inclined to) fulfill
This is all a load of crap, of course. There is absolutely no
difference between believing in an thought, believing in a feeling
and believing in a need. They are all totally optional.
sometimes joke that just because you don't go around believing in
the mailman doesn't mean that he or she will stop delivering your
Or, to use the most powerful of the basic human
needs in the hierarchy of needs as an example: Just because you stop
believing that it is imperative that you survive doesn't mean that
you will die - or stop trying to avoid death. Attempting to avoid
death is the most natural thing in the world. You don't have to
believe that you MUST survive to do it.
Furthermore, if you
believe that you MUST survive, you risk living in constant fear. Not
a nice way to live.
Wants to Be an Automaton, anyway?
Do you get what I am
driving at here? The feeling may be real, but your interpretation of
it may not be, nor do you need to act upon it. The thought may exist
in your head, but you don't have to believe it, nor do you have to
act upon it. You may experience a need, but you don't have to
believe in it, nor do you have to act upon it.
In other words:
You can let the belief in any feeling, thought or need go, and be
none the worse for wear. In fact, odds are you will be relieved and
liberated, simply because instead of behaving like an automaton (I
MUST HAVE THIS NEED FULFILLED!) you now have a choice.
wants to be an automaton, anyway?
Letting go of your belief
in the need means letting go of your attachment to the need. Without
attachment and the mechanical behavior that follows from that
attachment you are free to choose, you are free to accept things the
way they are and make the best of every situation. You are free to
Briefly: How to Let
Go of a Need
There are four steps in this process:
1) Make
yourself aware that you are experiencing the need (whatever it may
2) Examine the need and determine which of the seven
human needs from the loose hierarchy of needs your current need is
based upon.
3) Make a choice between either fulfilling the
BASIC need (the actual, underlying need) you have discovered OR
letting go of the need so you can fulfill it or not as you please.
4) Either do what it takes to fulfill the basic need or do what
it takes to let it go.
All that is needed in step one is
awareness. You notice that you have a need - and what it SEEMS to
be. This is the original need, and unless is IS one of the seven
basic human needs from the loose hierarchy of needs then it is not
the REAL need, but a reflection of it. Example: Your perceived need
for some sort of sugar containing candy may simply be a basic need
for sleep or rest (it often is), or it may be a need for (self)
In step two you simply ask yourself: This need that I
have - which one of the seven basic human needs from the loose
hierarchy of needs is it based upon? Go through them one by one to
see if there is a match. In almost every case this is enough to
produce an answer. The basic human need you discover is your REAL
In step three you either decide to fulfill the real
need or you decide to let go of the need (let go of the belief in
the need). This is just a decision, nothing more. Either choice is
fine and empowering, but the choice to let go of the need is the
most empowering one.
In step four you take action:
If you decided to fulfill the real need in step three, then you will
usually find that fulfilling the real (basic) need is both easier
and more satisfying than fulfilling the original (derivative,
reflected) need.
- If you decide to let go of the need you
either just make the conscious decision to relax and not be ruled by
this need, or (probably better:) you use a self improvement
technique such as Byron Katie's 'The Work', Brandon Bay's 'The
Journey' or my own '
the Let Go Method'.
The latter one is my
favorite, of course, and in all honesty I think it is the better
choice in this particular case as it is custom made to help you let
go of thoughts, feelings, habits, beliefs and needs.
more by clicking on the above link for the Let Go Method or read
the general practice of letting go. If you are looking for an ebook that gives you an introduction to the Let Go Method that would
Finding Inner Peace by Letting Go.
Hierarchy of
Needs: The Conclusion
A lot of good can come from you
teaching yourself to recognize, evaluate and deal with your needs.
Not only because fulfilling a basic need is a much more flexible and
long-term solution than endlessly fulfilling every little need that
seems to arise all the time, but also because you DO have the option
of letting go of your attachment to your perceived needs, even the
basic seven human needs (especially those!)
When you let go of
your attachment to your needs you empower yourself tremendously
because you are now in control of your needs instead of your needs
controlling you.
I HIGHLY recommend that you familiarize
yourself with everything mentioned on this page and try out the '
Let Go Method' for one of your needs - just to know what it feels
like and what it does for you and your life.
No matter what
you choose I wish you the very best of luck in your personal
development endeavors!
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The Hierarchy of Needs: How You Can Empower Yourself Using the Seven Human Needs
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