• Tips, tricks, know-how & more to improve your mental health
• Find out how powerful your beliefs & your sense of identity
• Learn how to deal with your thoughts, beliefs,
identity, etc.
• And much more ...
What's Important for Your Mental Well Being?
In many
ways wellness begins with what goes on in your mind. That
includes both the things you are consciously aware of and the
subconscious things that you aren't really aware of.
personal development, self help, self improvement and
spirituality mental health or 'the power of the mind'
(thoughts, beliefs, etc.) is often regarded as all important.
These things control your experience, so you need to learn to
understand and control them.
I do agree, mostly, but
just so we're clear: what's truly important is your free will.
You know: that thing you use when you choose. That's where
your real power resides.
Your free will overrules
everything else with regard to your mental health.
in order to use your free will to improve your mental health
you need to understand some important things about thoughts,
feelings/emotions, beliefs, memes, free will and more.
Feelings, Thoughts, Beliefs, Memes, Emotions and More
First of all, please remember that your ...
• Thoughts
• Feelings/emotions
• Patterns of behaviour (actions
and habits)
• Needs/wants
• Beliefs (and memes)
Entire identity both your chosen identity (ego) & your real
identity ... all affect each other in countless ways.
When you change one of them (by using your free will), to some
extent you change them all. Also, each and every one of them
affects your mental health.
I'm going to go into each
of those things briefly, and then point you in directions
where you can learn more.
Your Thoughts Affect
Your Health
Your thoughts are those things that occur
inside your head when you think or consider something - which
is probably a lot of the time. Often, but not always, we tend
to put our thoughts into words inside our heads - which is
quite easy to do. Also, thoughts tend to repeat themselves -
they run in circles.
"I think I will eat my breakfast
late today" is an example of a thought.
How Thoughts
Impact Your Health
Not only your mental health but your
physical health and your entire experience of life are
affected by your thoughts.
For example, research has
shown that your thoughts affect your physical body. Fearful, negative, stressed, judgemental thoughts produce
hormones and other stuff that over time will literally damage
you physically. Loving, positive, calm and accepting thoughts
have the opposite effect.

And it is beyond discussion
that thinking fearful, judgemental, negative thoughts is an
unpleasant experience, while thinking loving, accepting,
positive thoughts is a pleasant experience.
Though it
seems like thoughts arise all by themselves, you do in fact
control them with your free will. Learning to do so is a
process, and it may take time, but you can learn it.
The more you repeat a thought the more real [LINK] and
true it seems to you. It's still just a thought, though - a
mental construct. Thoughts repeated many, many times become
habitual thoughts, which coupled with feelings and needs
become (some of) your beliefs.
The way you think is
largely an acquired habit. And you can change your habits, if
you so desire.
Your Habits and Behaviour Affect Your Health
Your behaviour is the
things you do - the actions you take. Habits are repeated
behaviour that becomes more or less automatic over time.
It's pretty obvious that your patterns of behaviour
(habits) affect both your mental health and your physical
health - just think about your eating, working and sleeping
habits. If you don't eat nourishing food, and you work way too hard, and you don't get enough sleep you'll damage both your physical and your mental health.
Your behaviour/actions and habits are based on your
thoughts, emotions, needs, beliefs and your chosen identity
(who you think you are).
Your Needs Affect Your Health
You have lots and lots of
needs, but they all fall into seven basic categories. Those seven categories again fall into three main categories:
survival needs, social needs and spiritual needs. To a large
extent you are motivated and driven by your needs, because:
Your needs want to be satisfied, starting with your
survival needs, moving on to your social needs and ending with
your spiritual needs.
If you don't satisfy, say your
survival needs, it's easy to see that you'll likely to have
problems with your physical health. :-)
And if you
don't satisfy your social and spiritual needs, you're likely
to get problems with your mental health.
Three Important Things Regarding Your
From your childhood you likely carry a subconscious
belief that someone else has to fulfil your needs.
This is not
correct, however: YOU have to fulfil your needs. As already mentioned: If you don't, your physical and mental
health will suffer.
Another thing, which is quite
difficult to comprehend, is the fact that all your needs are
relative. This means that although you experience them as very
real, they are not real in an absolute sense. Not only do your
needs differ from the needs of other people ... your needs are
subject to control by your free will.
This brings us to the
third important thing about needs. Since needs are in fact
relative you have to define how much is enough! If you don't
do this, you risk endlessly and needlessly trying to get more,
more, more. This is one of the challenges of the human
Your Feelings/Emotions Affect Your Health
It is
quite common that people find it difficult to separate
thoughts from feelings. Most likely this is due to lack of
knowledge and experience, because there are big differences.
Many people say that while thoughts occur in the head,
feelings/emotions mostly occur in the body.
Emotions/feelings are always wordless, but very often we
attempt (with some difficulty) to understand them by putting
them into words. (Doing so is an excellent idea as long as we
don't believe a word that the unpleasant feelings/emotions
Joy, anger, love, fear, attraction, disgust,
optimism, pessimism, jealousy and gratitude are examples of
How Feelings/Emotions Impact Your
Just like with thoughts research had shown that
feelings/emotions impact strongly on your physical and mental
Negative, unpleasant emotions = bad for you.
Positive, pleasant emotions = good for you.
And just like
thoughts, feelings/emotions seem to arise all by themselves.
But contrary to common belief your emotions are in fact
subject to control by your free will. You, too, can get
insight into this and learn techniques that allow you to do
Your Beliefs Affect Your
Beliefs are mental constructs - your ideas and
assumptions about reality and truth.
Assumptions you no longer
question. "I believe person X would make a good president or
prime minister" is an example of a belief. "I believe that I
am not good enough" is another.
A Belief Cannot Be True
Beliefs are NOT reality! Beliefs are NOT the truth! By
definition they cannot be - for beliefs exist only in the
absence of knowing. If you KNOW something you don't need to
believe in it.
Your nose is an example of something you
do not need to believe in, for you KNOW it is there: You use
it every day and you can touch it, feel it and see it (if you
squint or look in a mirror).
So, a belief may contain
some truth and it may be a part of the truth, but it is not
and cannot be the whole truth. It is not and cannot be
absolutely real.
You Will Confuse Your Beliefs with
However, due to the nature of human consciousness
and relative (personal) reality [LINK] you will tend to
experience your beliefs as real and true. You will tend to
reinforce the beliefs you have been taught and chosen by
seeking out 'evidence' that they are true and ignoring
evidence that they are not.
Thus you will tend to
confuse your beliefs with reality (we all do). If you want
personal development (and spiritual enlightenment), one
of the quickest and most powerful ways to get that is
go of your beliefs.
The Memes You Take In Affect
Your Health
A meme is an idea, value, belief, symbol,
pattern of thought, behaviour, etc. that can be transmitted
from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals,
melodies, pictures, films, television, newspapers, magazines,
books, the Internet, etc. It's a bit like a computer program,
only the computer it's designed to run on is your brain.
Examples of memes include catch-phrases, clothing fashion
and beliefs (e.g. religious beliefs). (The word 'meme' was
introduced in 1976 by the British scientist Richard Dawkins in
his book 'The Selfish Gene').
What Memes Do
can, and do, evolve and spread. You get exposed to a meme, you
take it in (i.e. allow its program to run in your brain), and
you start imitating it (i.e. running the program) and passing
it on to other people. Basically a meme is a cultural unit
with the propensities of a virus.
You can get 'infected'
with memes through any kind of social interaction that you
participate in:
How Memes 'Infect' You
Your culture,
the people around you, the media (news, books, television,
films, posters, ads, e-mails, SMS, Internet, etc.), the
government, organizations, organized religion, businesses and
many more will all attempt to plant their memes in your mind.
Both openly (like 'Buy our product!') and covertly (like
governments trying to keep the people they govern in fear,
making them easier to control).
Most of the time,
though, memes aren't spread consciously, but unconsciously.
The people who spread them don't even realize they are doing
it. That goes for journalists, authors, screenwriters,
copywriters, civil servants, business executives and almost
everyone else, too.
If, for example, a journalist is
writing articles or making a story for the news on television
and covering personal tragedies, disasters, terrorism,
epidemics, wars and stuff like that which actually has very
little relevance for people's daily life, but which will
program their brain with fear - this journalist probably has
no idea that he or she is perpetuating a fear-based meme. He
or she probably just thinks it is 'great news'.
Or, if
you have people around you who are always telling you that
whatever your dreams and aspirations are, you can't do it;
they are most likely just spreading the beliefs and memes they
themselves have been infected with.
Memes Are Related
to Beliefs
Being mental 'viruses' memes primarily affect
your thoughts and beliefs, and since your feelings, decisions,
actions and more are all powerfully affected by your beliefs,
well, that means that your physical and mental health are
affected by memes, too.
How to Deal With Memes
trick to dealing with memes is remaining aware of your 'intake'
and your power to decide for yourself.
If you watch a movie
that is telling you (subconsciously) that being poor is noble
and being rich is nasty, you can simply decide to not let that
meme infect you.
Your Chosen Identity (Ego) Affects
Your Health
Then there's your idea about who you are: your
personal 'who am I' beliefs, your relative identity, your
Your chosen identity is a part of who you are,
but it's not the full truth about who you are. That's why some
teachers refer to the ego as 'your false identity'. In any
case you are so much more than just your ego. You can
experience this for yourself by trying a liberating technique
the Let Go Method.
Your Chosen Identity is a
Also, your chosen identity is a basically a belief,
which means (as shown above) that by definition it cannot be
absolutely true.
And honestly, that a really good thing!
Because your idea about who you are is most likely terribly
limited and riddled with lousy basic beliefs like 'I am not
whole', 'I'm not good enough', 'I'm not important' and
'There's something wrong with me'.
All of which are
vicious lies that can and will affect both your physical and
your mental health in countless unpleasant ways. A self
depreciating relative identity can - and often does - lead to
some rather nasty results.
The Truth about Your Mental
Health and Your Chosen Identity
The strange but true fact
of the matter is this:
Having a fixed and limited
about who and what you are
(i.e. believing in
your ego-personality)
is BAD for your physical and mental
healthIn other words: The image you are trying to
uphold, both inside yourself and towards other people is
actually not only limiting you, but also damaging you.
If (deep down, and like most people) you believe you're not
whole, not good enough and not important, for example, are you
going to treat yourself well, do you think? I don't think so,
because you'll be convinced that you don't deserve it.
Your REAL Identity Affects Your Health
identity, which can actually be stated in so few words, that's
it's highly likely you won't understand a word of it is this:
I AM. That's it. You exist. That's all that's needed. You
don't need to define yourself any more than that. In fact it's
better for your physical and mental health if you don't.
The Truth about Your Mental Health and Your Real Identity
The strange but true fact of this matter is:
NOT having
a fixed and limited belief
about who and what you are
(i.e. NOT believing in your ego-personality)
is GOOD for
your physical and mental healthPut differently: If you
DON'T try to uphold an image about who you are, neither inside
yourself nor towards other people, but simply exist as who you
authentically are (i.e. without all your usual defence
mechanisms) and act from this, you'll be more calm, more
efficient, more attractive, plus happier and healthier. And
your life will be much, much easier. Among other nice things.
Imagine that: Just being you, and doing it, too. Never having to try to second-guess what other people expect
of you. Always being honest, never having to lie again.
Actually doing the kind of work that you love. Not being
stressed anymore. Truly not caring if other people call you an
idiot, or lazy, or stupid, or aggressive, or ugly, or whatever
you don't want to be identified with right now.
All It
Takes ...All it takes is that you drop your image, your
ego-identity and all of its defence mechanisms; and instead
just exist as no particular person other than
who you
authentically are.
Of course the very idea of doing
this is likely to scare the pants off of you. Which is why you
don't do it. You are afraid. Fear is limiting you.
Stopping you. As it so very often does, even though there
truly is nothing to be afraid of.
In Conclusion
While thoughts, feelings/emotions, needs and
behaviour/actions/habits certainly do affect your (physical
and) mental health in varying degrees, the most powerful of
improving your mental health concerns your beliefs (and memes)
and your identity.
The second most powerful key to your
mental health is
letting go
of your beliefs, starting with the
ones that are most self-depreciating and limiting.
most powerful key to your mental health is relaxing your
internal and external image, your chosen (
ego) identity and
your defensive mechanisms. That's why there's so much focus on
the ego in spiritual traditions that are aimed at spiritual
No matter how you choose to
proceed, the thing you need to remember is this:
Anything that brings your mental state closer to
reality will improve your mental health.
It's as simple
- and as scary - as that.
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