Self help books are wonderful - or they can be (they can be crappy, too, of
course, but I won't waste your time with crap).
Personal development books and
self improvement books can help you improve your life, overcome personal
difficulties, solve problems and understand things you've always wanted to
Not everyone can (or even wants to) travel to a far away ashram to
talk with an enlightened teacher in person, or participate in self
improvements seminars or even just hire a personal development coach
to help them in their personal transformation.
Reading self help ebooks, personal development books, and self
improvement articles is the next best thing.
Indeed, some folks
prefer reading (or listening to books on audio, i.e. self
improvement audio) to the other possibilities. For long periods of
time this was true of me, too, though in the periods in between I
did in fact seek out many teachers and attend many self help
So, on this page and the many pages 'under' it (which you can access
from this page) I am going to highlight some of the most
influential, interesting, useful and all round best self help
authors there are - and their self improvement books, of course.
I want these pages to be one of the most useful tools around
when it comes to finding the best self help books on the market
today. And
learning a bit about the various personal development authors in the
process - I'm going to include some short author bios as well to
complete the picture.
Note: If you want to jump past all the interesting historical stuff
and directly down to the list of self help authors, you can, just by
clicking this link:
Other than that, please read on.
Self Help Books Have Become Mainstream
As more and more people get into the process of awakening to their
true natures (their true
the market for personal development books is rapidly growing to meet
the needs of these intellectual, emotional and spiritual seekers.
Some self improvement authors of today have risen to the tops of the
mainstream best seller lists and have become extremely influential
in the lives of people all around the world.
Offering self improvement advice is nothing new however. Self help
tips can be traced back to the Indian
Vedas (1500–1000
BCE) and beyond. Mankind has long been driven towards spiritual
enlightenment and the inner peace, happiness, abundance and
unconditional love that flow from it, even though achieving that
state has been difficult thanks to the nature of our
How to find inner peace and
how to be happy (how to find happiness) is perhaps the oldest and
most enduring of human endeavours, closely followed by a host of
related life improvement quests, that have to do with success,
leadership and
pretty much every other aspect of human life.
Most of the better known self help authors have achieved some degree
of success in some field or other, and that is what drives us to
seek out their methods and advice.
Self Help Ideas Come and Go in Trends
Self help ideas tend to come and go in trends. As you saw with the
Indian Vedas one might say that the oldest self help books still in
existence are around 3500 years old. And those venerable texts might
be said to form the basis of some very cutting edge modern concepts
such as transpersonal psychology ...
Experience Ego Death to Set Yourself Free
Take the notion of
death and psychological rebirth. Now, there's an old
concept! We know for a fact that the ancient Indian texts
Upanishads (the
oldest of which date back to somewhere around 1000 to 600 BCE) refer
to psychological rebirth and that certain old time (pre-Christian)
mystery based religions included rites whose function was to let the
person experience psychological death and rebirth, something later
taken up by Buddhism (still some 500 years before Christ).
This powerful concept of ego death and psychological rebirth (which
does indeed produce powerful, positive personal transformation, I
can vouch for that) is once again gaining popularity in the form of
diverse forms of rebirthing and also in the cutting-edge field of
The Enneagram of Personality Can Be Traced Back 1500 Years
Another example of an ancient system experiencing a revival in
modern day self help books is the system for categorizing
personality (a.k.a. our ego) known as
Enneagram, sometimes called the Enneagram of
This system for ego development and - ultimately - for
goof your ego can be
traced back more than 1500 years (to Evagrius Ponticus a.k.a.
Evagrius the Solitary (345-399 AD) and may be even older than that).
The Enneagram experienced a revival and expansion in the 1970s and
has since then been expanded further by intense psychological
research, and has probably never been more widely known (or indeed
more powerful) than today. Psychologists, personal development
coaches (such as myself), and commercial companies all around the
world use the Enneagram. The latter use the Enneagram as a powerful
HR resource.
It's a great system, and if you're interested in psychology and not
yet aware of the Enneagram you should definitely look into it. The
best book on the Enneagram that I have read (and I have read many)
is "The Wisdom of the Enneagram" by Don Richard Riso and Russ
Hudson, a comprehensive but easy to read guide.
Surprise? The Law of Attraction Is Old News
Finally, let take a brief look at
Law of Attraction as
a very well known example.
The Law of Attraction is very popular
today, but it certainly nothing new (it dates back centuries,
probably starting in early New Thought Movement in the early 1800s).
The movie
The Secret from
2006 (later also a book) produced by Rhonda Byrne, however, breathed
new life into the concept and brought it to mainstream society.
Such is the way with many of today's popular self help books. They
bring the path of bliss and effective living to everyday people
rather than keeping self improvement ideas cloistered for an elect
few. But they're actually based on old ideas and knowledge -
sometimes very old indeed.
Almost All of Us Want a Better Life, You too, Right?
The common denominator for all of this is the desire for a better
life experience.
want to experience unconditional love and inner peace. We want to be
people who read self improvement books because they want to be
healthy, beautiful, popular, famous, rich or successful are actually
striving for inner peace, love and happiness (at a deeper level).
This desire to be happy is pretty much the driving force behind all
self help, personal development, self improvement and search for
spiritual enlightenment. And thus it is the driving force behind
personal development books, self improvement books and self help
Picking and Choosing between the Best Self Help Books and Self Help
There are sooo many self help books to choose from just as there are
many paths to personal growth, self improvement and spiritual
enlightenment. You will likely click with certain personal
development authors and not resonate with others. It may not be so
much the self help advice they offer, but the manner in which it is
presented that makes it difficult to absorb. Or, if you like, the
vibration they hold. :-)
Some self help books written in the 1800s and before can be
difficult to read and understand simply because the language (and
culture) has changed since then. Fortunately, there are many, many
personal development ebooks and books to select from, and many of
them deliver messages worth reading. You should feel free to sample
various authors until you find a writing style and message to which
you can relate.
Below is a sampling of some of the more popular authors of self help
books you may want to consider. I (Soren, the Personal Development
Guy) may not agree with every single author that I have mentioned
below (I don't, actually), but unless at least one of the author's
self help books is what I consider worth reading for some reason or
other I will not even mention them!
This page about self help books and personal development authors is
a work in progress. So, in (an ever expanding) number of cases you
will find links to self improvement articles that give you an author
biography as well as the main points of the self help author's
teachings - plus a list of what they have authored and brief
descriptions of each of their works - so you'll know where to start,
given your own personal interests. Happy reading ...
Alfred Adler was a noted
psychotherapist and pioneer in the field of psychology. His work
focused on feelings of inferiority, and how those feeling affected
development and caused social isolation. His work with the
inferiority complex and self esteem helped establish counseling
practices that were followed years after his death.
Read more about him and his work in the article
Alfred Adler

Richard Bandler is
one of the developers of NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming. He
developed these techniques as a way of changing behavior patterns.
He has written several self help books based on NLP that instruct
readers how to use his methods to change their lives. One of his
most well known books is
Your Brain for a Change.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Richard Bandler.

randon Bays is
the author of self help books that teach readers how to attain a
state of freedom. Bays found freedom after she was diagnosed with
cancer and used her techniques to become cancer-free in six weeks.
Her first and main book is titled
Journey: A Practical Guide to Healing Your Life and Setting Yourself
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Alain de Botton is
a writer with a philosophical style (an thus a rather mental view of
things) who founded a school in London known as The School of Life
with the goal of teaching people how to develop fulfilled and happy
lives. He has written a few books that include
Proust Can Change Your Life.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Alain de Botton.
Brené Brown is a research professor in the
field of social work. She is the author of self help books that help
readers overcome feelings of shame and inadequacy.
She blames
society and the media for making people, especially women, feel they
are not good enough.
She urges readers to wake up to the programming
and reclaim their authentic selves by embracing their imperfections.
Read her bio and see a list of her self help books in the article
Brene Brown.
Les Brown is
the author of
Your Dreams where
he teaches readers how to get what they want from life through
positive thinking and taking action. He is a motivational writer and
speaker. His self help books have inspired many people to take
action in order to change their lives. Read a biography of this self
help author in the personal development article called
Les Brown.
Leo Buscaglia wrote self help books on the
topic of love. He was moved to create a university class called Love
1A after one of his students committed suicide. He wanted everyone
to learn the importance of expressing and receiving love. He wrote
self help books for children too so they could learn important life
concepts such as the importance of putting others first and
understanding death.
Read the article about his self improvement
books and his bio
Leo Buscaglia.
ony Buzan
an expert in maximizing brain power. He developed the technique of
mind mapping that has been used by corporations and athletes to
achieve peak performance. His books include
the Most of Your Mind and
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Tony Buzan.
Carlos Castaneda was
an anthropologist, shaman, and spiritual author. His first book,
Teachings of Don Juan begins
the tale of his shamanistic training. He wrote 12 books in all and
experts are in disagreement whether they are fiction or truth. They
do reveal practices and philosophies that help readers attain states
of increased awareness. Castaneda is a popular alternative author
whose books have sold in the millions of copies. Read a biography of
this self help author in the personal development article called
Carlos Castaneda.
Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun and author of
several self help books for those wishing to develop their spiritual
nature and find peace in life.
She teaches it is best to embrace
suffering and the things that scare us, because it is through them
that our spiritual natures grow. She also helps readers awaken to
more loving and compassionate living. Read a Pema Chodron
bio and see a list of her works in the self improvement article
Pema Chodron.
Deepak Chopra is
a doctor, teacher, and author of self help books that focus on
spirituality and mind-body medicine. Some of his most popular works
Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of
Coincidence and
Way of the Wizard:
Twenty Spiritual Lessons in Creating the Life You
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Deepak Chopra.
Paulo Coelho has written over 30 books, many of
them fiction, and some of them autobiographical and based upon his
own spiritual awakening.
His most popular book is a work of fiction
that tells the story of a boy on a spiritual journey to the
pyramids. His books have sold in the hundreds of millions of copies
making him one of the most widely read authors of self help books
alive today.
Read Paulo Coelho's bio and read about his
works in the article
Paulo Coelho.
Stephen Covey is the
author of best selling self help books that have sold millions of
copies. He teaches the importance of developing and adhering to
habits that create success. He stresses the importance of character
ethics when it comes to success in business and life.
Covey teaches
readers the exact habits they must possess to be triumphant in life
Read the article about his self improvement books and his
Stephen Covey.
Peter Drucker is the author of several personal development
books for business leaders. He taught leadership styles and
management theory. He was extremely influential in the business
world and was a consultant to several top corporations.
books and articles influenced business practices and accurately
predicted the shift towards a knowledge based workplace and many
other trends that emerged in the last few decades.
You can read
more about Peter Drucker and his books
T. Harv Eker is a sought after
speaker and author of self help books on the subject of creating
wealth. He teaches the importance of having the proper mindset in
order to become wealthy, He calls this the Millionaire Mind. His
motivational books appeal to those who desire living a life of
financial independence by experiencing their fullest potentials.
Read about his biography and his books in the article
T Harv Eker.
Timothy Ferriss is
the author of two popular self help books,
4-Hour Workweek and
4-Hour Body.
He offers personal development tips on how to create the best life
and body with the least amount of time and effort. Like many other
popular authors today, his self improvement ebooks can be downloaded
on Kindle (by Amazon).
Read a biography of this self help author in
the personal development article called
Timothy Ferriss.
Debbie Ford has written several
popular self help books that deal with emotional and spiritual
development. She has helped readers understand their inner natures and
offers practical steps for overcoming negative thinking so they can
achieve their goals.
Her books are based upon the information she
used in her coaching program designed to help people to lead happier
and more fulfilling lives.
Read her bio and see a list of her works in the article
Debbie Ford.
Viktor Frankl was a Holocaust survivor and is
the founder of the psychotherapy known as Logotherapy.
His early work was influenced by
Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud, but he later developed his own distinct opinions
as well as his own psychotherapy which he called Logotherapy. This particular
brand of psychotherapy is still taught around the world today.
Read his bio and see a list of his works in the
article Viktor Frankl.
Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi is
a name recognized around the world in all cultures. He devoted his
life to spreading the message of non-violence and peace. His work is
compiled in
Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work,
and Ideas.
A great modern teacher indeed. Read a biography of this classic
modern self help author in the personal development article called
Mahatma Gandhi.
Gangaji is
a present day spiritual teacher who helps others attain peace
through self realization. She is a pupil of the modern day Indian
guru Ramana Maharshi, and her methods involve self inquiry and
ending struggle by simply 'being.'
Her most popular book is
are That!,
but she has also written the more recent
Diamond in Your Pocket,
and many people (including myself) just looove to listen to her
voice on her various self help audio recordings. Read a biography of
this spiritual author in the self help article called
Shakti Gawain is known for teaching readers the
art of creative visualization.
Her best selling books have helped
millions of people achieve their goals through affirmations and
She also teaches clearing exercises for eliminating
negative core beliefs and promotes meditation and daily reflection.
Read more in the self improvement article called
Kahlil Gibran,
a Lebanese poet and visionary, died in 1931 but the popularity of
his books lives on. His most popular,
was a work of inspirational fiction that was warmly embraced by the
1960s counterculture, and it continues to be a highly popular piece
of spiritual literature to this day.
In fact, Gibran is the third
leading poet of all time in sales of books that inspire others to
live a better life. Read a biography of this self help author in the
personal development article called
Kahlil Gibran.
Daniel Goleman is a psychologist
and expert in brain science. He teaches readers about emotional
intelligence and how it is more important than IQ when it comes to
achieving success in the business world, and life in general.
He has written several self help books that teach readers how to become
better leaders, find inner peace, become more successful, and how to
Read his bio and see a list of his works in the
article Daniel Goleman.

Stanislav Grof is
a psychiatrist and researcher into human consciousness. He is one of
the founders of transpersonal psychology. He has written many
personal development books. One of his most recent is
Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy,
that deals with the unusually powerful self improvement technique he
fathered: Holothropic Breathwork. Another fairly recent book is
of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research,
which is also his most comprehensive single work (in terms of scope)
because it briefly sums up all of Grof's findings and theories in a
lifetime dedicated to exploring and mapping human consciousness.
Grof is a clear thinker with a slightly scholarly writing style (his
newer works are easier to read than his early works) whose body of
work (which is based on observation) is nothing short of
revolutionary. Highly recommended for those who are interested in
the BIG picture of life, the universe and everything and how we
humans relate to that. Read a biography of this personal development
author (and founding father of transpersonal psychology) in the
personal development article called
Stanislav Grof.
David Hawkins has
written several self help books intended to help readers reach a
level of enlightenment so they can leave suffering behind and live a
life of peace. His works include Power
vs. Force:
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior and
the Ego Realizing the Self.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
David Hawkins.
Louise Hay is
a very powerful presence in the world of personal development
advice. Her most popular book is
Your Body that was written to help people overcome illness
by changing their thoughts. She is also a big believer in positive
affirmations. Her most important contribution to the movement may be
the development of Hay House, a company that publishes many of the
top selling self help books on the market today. Read a Louise Hay
bio and see a list of her works in the self improvement article
Louise Hay.
Hermann Hesse is
a well known influential writer of books with a spiritual theme that
drew from his experiences with Eastern mysticism. His books have
been loved by generations of readers and become even more popular as
time goes on. His most popular works are
Siddhartha and
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Hermann Hesse.
Esther Hicks and
Hicks promote
the teachings of the Law of Attraction and have published many books
on the topic. Although the Hicks may not call it channeling, much of
the material is produced in cooperation with an entity (actually a
group of entities) called Abraham that speaks through Esther. One of
their most popular personal development books is
and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires.
Read more in the self help article called
and Jerry Hicks.
Napoleon Hill is
most well known for the personal development ideas he delivered in
his best selling book
and Grow Rich.
The book was published in 1937 and continues to be a best seller
today. His book teaches people how to become successes in life by
mastering their thoughts. Read a biography of this self help author
in the personal development article called
Napoleon Hill.
Susan Jeffers teaches
readers how to overcome crippling fear in their lives. Her methods
were developed in an attempt to improve her own life that was
controlled by her fear. Her most popular book is
the Fear…and Do It Anyway! Read
a biography of this self help author in the personal development
article called
Susan Jeffers.
C G Jung,
is one of the most notable psychiatrists of modern time. He explored
alternate fields of science such as astrology, alchemy, and
philosophy in his quest to understand the human mind and spirit.
Jung wrote 19 books in all, some of them being collections of his
writings such as
Studies: The Collected Works of C. G. Jung.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
C G Jung.
Jon Kabat-Zinn is
a proponent of using mindfulness meditation to overcome problems in
life such as pain, anxiety, disease, and stress. He bases much of
his philosophy on Buddhist teachings. His most popular books include
Catastrophe Living and
You Go There You Are.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Byron Katie is another present day teacher with a
simple method of self inquiry that helps readers transform their
Her first and probably most popular book is
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.
Read a Byron Katie bio and see a list of her works in the self
improvement article
Byron Katie.
Robert Kiyosaki is
most noted for his self improvement books as they relate to personal
finance. His most well-known is
Dad Poor Dad but
he has published over 15 works that have sold millions of copies.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Robert Kiyosaki.
Bruce Lipton is a biologist and author of two personal
development books that teach readers how beliefs and thoughts
bring about physical changes to body cells and DNA. His work
proves that DNA can be changed, and because of that we have
the power to bring about physical healing. His work further
proves that thoughts have the power to change our futures as
individuals and as a global society.
Ramana Maharshi was
a Hindu spiritual master who became spiritually enlightened in his
teens and who taught followers to strive for a state of
non-attachment to things of life. He taught quietness and self
inquiry to be the fastest path to enlightenment. Much of his work
and teachings have been compiled into books such as
Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi and
and the Art of Being.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Ramana Maharshi.
J. W. Marriott is one of America's most
successful businessmen. He turned the Marriott hotel chain into an
international property management and franchise empire. He
attributes his success to valuing people, both guests and employees.
He teaches readers to be decisive, make informed decisions, and not
waste time regretting mistakes.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
J W Marriott.
Abraham Maslow is
most noted for his Hierarchy of Needs that is taught in psychology
classes around the world. He was a professor of psychology who
taught others about basic human nature and the need to see the
positive qualities in other people. His later work focused on peak
experiences and self realized individuals, persons of extraordinary
achievement and compassion. Read a biography of this self help
author in the personal development article called
Abraham Maslow.
John Maxwell is
the author of several self help books on leadership and business
success. His most popular books include The
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership an How
Successful People Think.
His motivational books have sold millions of copies and he has
lectured to Fortune 500 companies and government leaders. Read a
biography of this self help author in the personal development
article called John Maxwell.
Drunvalo Melchizedek is the author of four
popular New Age self help books. He is also a speaker and teacher.
He teaches subjects such as sacred geometry, activating the light
body, and living from the heart. He also teaches others to carry
forth his message through his Flower of Life School and School of
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Drunvalo Melchizedek .
Anthony de Mello was
a psychotherapist and Jesuit priest who penned self help books and
other works. His books include (among many others) Contact with God
and One Minute Wisdom. His later work displays indications that he
had reached a spiritually enlightened state. Read a biography of
this self improvement author in the personal development article
Anthony de Mello.
Dan Millman is the
author of best selling personal development books that help readers
find purpose in life. He stresses the importance of becoming a
peaceful warrior that brings about change in the self and the world
in a firm but peaceful manner. He teaches readers spiritual
principles that help to create improved relationships, life purpose,
business success, and spiritual development. Read the article about
his self improvement books and his bio
Dan Millman.
Bruce Moen takes readers on exciting journeys
into the afterlife. His self help books are for those interested in
the spirit world or for people who have a fear of death. Moen
perfected a method for traveling to the spirit world, and teaches it
to his readers, so everyone can obtain first hand experience of the
afterlife while still alive. He explains that doing so helps
eliminate fear of death and gives life more meaning.
Read his biograhpy and about his works in the article
Bruce Moen.
Robert Allen Monroe was
a modern day leader in the field of altered consciousness. He has
published several books and a number of audio programs using devoted
to training the mind and achieving altered states of consciousness.
He was particularly interested in out of body experiences (OBEs),
communication with the afterlife and the use of brainwave
entrainment (a.k.a. brainwave synchronization a.k.a. isochronic
tones a.k.a. binaural beats, sometimes misspelled binural beats). He
invented the Hemi Sync method for brainwave synchronization and used
it for many purposes, a work which is continued today by his
daughter. His first and most well known book is
Out of the Body-
the book that is accredited with first popularizing the concept of
out of body experiences, though perhaps his later works
Journeys and
Journey are
in fact more rewarding. However, since they're all largely
biographical one may benefit from reading them all in sequence. Read
a biography of this self help author in the personal development
article called
Robert Monroe.
Michael Newton is the author of best selling books on
the topic of the spirit world and the life between lives. He is a
therapist who developed a method of hypnotic regression that takes
clients back to previous lives and the time spent in the spirit
world between lives. He teaches that visiting this space between
lives helps readers lose their fear of death and helps them find
purpose in life once they understand the reasons they chose to enter
the present life circumstances. Newton explains this knowledge makes
it easier to endure hardships in life, because they have a purpose.
Read his bio and see a list of his works in the self improvement
Michael Newton
Daniel Pink is a popular speaker and author of
personal development books that advocate a new style of workplace.
He teaches that leadership and workplace norms are evolving.
Freelance work is getting to be more common and workers are being
valued for their creativity and contribution to the company. Pink's
books help leaders form more productive groups and they also help
individuals seeking a free agent lifestyle. Read more about this
self help book author in the article
Daniel Pink.
Dave Ramsey is a well-known talk radio
personality and author of financial self help books. His lectures,
classes, and books have helped thousands of people get out of debt
and build solid financial futures. He teaches the importance of
paying cash, building an emergency fund, and avoiding all debt
except for a mortgage. He explains it is also very important to
learn how to live within your means so you can live a life of
financial peace. He advocates teaching his principles to children so
they can have lives of financial security.
Ayn Rand Books: Rand was a celebrated Russian-American writer. She wrote several
nonfiction books on the subject of political philosophy, and she wrote four
fiction novels. The most well known Ayn Rand books are "
The Fountainhead" and
Atlas Shrugged."
James Redfield is
a counselor who was drawn to the human potential movement for
answers for his clients who were struggling with life issues. His
work combines psychology, philosophy, mysticism, and science. He is
the author of
Celestine Prophecy which
became one of the best selling self help books of the 1990s, and
more books have since been published in what has become a series.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
James Redfield.
Anthony Robbins is probably one of
the most well-known authors of self help books thanks to his
frequent appearances on television promoting his personal
development books and programs.
Much of his work is based on NLP,
and he offers specific step-by-step instructions for achieving goals
whether they are to lose weight or increase income. Read his bio and
see a list of his works in the article
Anthony Robbins.
Carl Rogers was
a researcher in psychology and helped develop the humanistic
approach. He received many important recognitions and awards for his
groundbreaking work. He wrote 16 books including
Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy and A Way of
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Carl Rogers.
Jim Rohn is
a popular motivational speaker and writer that helps people create
winning strategies for overcoming life problems. He has written many
self help books. Some of them are
Philosophy for Successful Living,
Art of Exceptional Living,
on Life,
an Inspired Life.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Jim Rohn.
Marshall Rosenberg is
the inventor of the concept of non-violent communication as well as
non-violent parenting, and his work (including the book titled
Violent Communication) has spawned countless courses,
study groups and the like all over the world. Read a Marshall
Rosenberg bio and see a list of his works in the self improvement
Marshall Rosenberg.
Geneen Roth is well-known because of her
frequent media appearances discussing the topic of emotional eating.
Her self help books help readers understand their problems with
compulsive eating or perpetual dieting. She has helped many
thousands of people through her process of inquiry, meditation, and
steps to healthy eating.
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Don Miguel Ruiz is
a shaman and spiritual teacher who draws inspiration from the Toltec
traditions - the same spiritual traditions as Carlos Castaneda's
(another self help author) teacher of Don Juan. Don Miguel Ruiz'
most popular work
Four Agreements has
sold millions of copies. The book teaches readers how to achieve
freedom and inner peace by breaking beliefs or assumptions we have
collectively agreed to believe. Read a biography of this self help
author in the personal development article called
Don Miguel Ruiz.
Robin Sharma is the author of several popular personal
development books that help readers live their best lives. He
combines ancient teachings with positive thinking. In addition, he
studied successful people to learn how they lived so he could teach
others how to model their behaviors and become successful too. Read
a Robin Sharma bio and see a list of his works in the article
Robin Sharma.

Eckhart Tolle is
undoubtedly one of the most well known authors of personal
development books thanks to his association with Oprah Winfrey and
the huge exposure he received. His message is very much able to
stand on its own however, and in
Power of Now he
offers readers self improvement tips that help them achieve a state
of bliss by learning to live in the present moment. Read an Eckhart
Tolle bio and see a list of his works in the self improvement
Eckhart Tolle.
Neale Donald Walsch is
the author of the popular
with God series
of self help books as well as some other personal development books.
Reading his books is sort of like 'talking with God' although Walsch
says his books are not channeled, but inspired, works. Whatever it
is, it is intense and very powerful stuff. Read the personal
development article on
Neale Donald Walsch.
Joe Vitale is
a very prolific writer of self help books. He appeared in The Secret
movie and based much of his work on the Law of Attraction. Some of
his more popular personal development books include
Attractor Factor,
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Joe Vitale.
Lyall Watson was an avid promoter of nature and
the mystery of life. He was an accomplished researcher with several
degrees and a cult hero in the New Age movement because of his many
books that awakened readers to the supernatural mysteries of the
universe. He was an advocate of all animal life and helped readers
see how animals such as pigs are a lot like humans and that
elephants are highly emotional. By understanding that animals, plant
life, and even inanimate objects have life force in them and some
are capable of highly complex thought and emotion, readers can view
life on earth in a more compassionate and awe-filled manner. Read
more about this great writer in the article
Lyall Watson.
Alan Watts was a British philosopher and was noted
for translating Eastern philosophy so it could be understood by the
Western world. He wrote over 20 self help books based on the ancient
religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. His work was also influence
by leaders of the Human Potential Movement he became involved in. He
sought many paths to enlightenment and shared what he learned with
his readers.
Read more about this author of personal
development books in the article
Stuart Wilde has
written many personal development books based on metaphysical
principals. His books are usually short, easy to read, and to the
point. Oh, and provocative. He can be very provocative and has been
called 'a spiritual hand grenade'. Some of his books are
Trick to Money is Having Some and
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Stuart Wilde.
Marianne Williamson has
written many personal development books based upon her beliefs as a
Unity minister and the principles in "A Course in Miracles" (a
famous self improvement book co-authored by Helen Schucman). One of
her top selling books is
Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course In
Read a biography of this self help author in the personal
development article called
Marianne Williamson.
Larry Winget is a best selling author of financial
self help books. He takes a tough love approach with readers and
tells them they have to work hard, be persistent, and have self
control in order to build a strong financial future. He urges
readers to take responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming
the employer, the recession, their spouse, or anyone else for their
financial struggles and unhappiness. REad his bio and see a list of
his works in the self improvement article
Larry Winget.
Gary Zukav has
written many popular self help books that have enjoyed best seller
status and sold millions of copies. He appeared several times on
Oprah to discuss human consciousness. His books include The
Seat of the Soul and The
Dancing Wu Li Masters,
both of which won him acclaim. Read a biography of this self help
author in the personal development article called
Gary Zukav.
Shop Amazon's Kindle Accessories Store
A brief mention of a few selected self help books (specific
titles) that can help and empower you.
A small selection of self help books that might be
particularly useful to women.
list of self help authors and the self help books they have
written shows the wide range of work available to help people change
their lives. Yours, too, if you want.
Many of these personal development methods and self improvement
techniques were born of necessity when the authors were down and out
and needed to turn their own lives around, other were painstakingly
constructed, tested and retested because the author in question
wanted to achieve some goal or other.
In fact, I myself (the
Personal Development Guy) fall in that category.
Soren Lauritzen (Little Old Me):
The Personal Development Coach Who's Focused on Wholeness
As you can se from my
me page here
on I went through almost all the
personal development methods I could find and only got what I wanted
when I let it all go!
The very intense psychological experience of and being my own core
identity or soul (for lack of a better word) - something I call
coming Home (with a capital H) - and the later ultra intense
experience of unity, of being one with everything in existence left
me wanting more. And so I set out to find a workable method that
would reproduce the experience of a person's core identity (coming
Home) on demand.
It took several years of experiments, but the final result was my
Let Go Method on
which I have written an introductory self help ebook called
Inner Peace by Letting Go -
10 Steps to Happiness, Freedom, Love & More Using the Let Go Method.
Final Words on the Best Self Help Books and Authors
The best self help books teach, inspire and motivate people to lead
better lives and are an ideal way to help you realize your dreams.
You, too, hopefully. The info is out there. All you have to do is
pick it up, integrate what you read and then - last but not least -
take action on what you have learned.
This page is a work in progress, so you might consider coming back
sometime later to see which new fascinating and influential self
help authors and self help books I have highlighted.
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List of articles about self help books listed alphabetically:
Alfred Adler,
Barbara De Angelis,
Maya Angelou
Arjuna Ardagh,
Richard Bandler,
Brandon Bays,
Alain de Botton,
Gregg Braden,
Brene Brown,
Les Brown,
Leo Buscaglia,
Tony Buzan,
Andrew Carnegie Biography,
Carlos Castaneda,
Pema Chodron,
Deepak Chopra,
Deepak Chopra Books
Paulo Coelho,
Stephen Covey,
T. Harv Eker,
Masary Emoto,
Timothy Ferriss,
Debbie Ford,
Viktor Frankl,
Mahatma Gandhi,
Shakti Gawain,
Kahlil Gibran,
Daniel Goleman,
Amit Goswami,
Stanislav Grof,
David Hawkins,
Louise Hay,
Hermann Hesse,
Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks,
Napoleon Hill,
C G Jung,
Byron Katie,
Robert Kiyosaki,
Bruce Lipton,
Ramana Maharshi,
Abraham Maslow,
John Maxwell,
Drunvalo Melchizedek,
Anthony de Mello,
Anthony De Mello
Dan Millman,
Bruce Moen,
Robert Monroe,
Michael Newton,
Dave Ramsey,
Ayn Rand Books,
Cheryl Richardson,
Anthony Robbins,
Anthony Robbins Books Carl Rogers,
Jim Rohn,
Marshall Rosenberg,
Geneen Roth,
Don Miguel Ruiz,
Robin Sharma,
Barbara Sher,
George Soros Biography,
George Soros Quotes,
Brian Tracy Books,
Neale Donald Walsch,
Joe Vitale,
Lyall Watson,
Alan Watts,
Stuart Wilde,
Marianne Williamson,
Larry Winget,
Gary Zukav,
Best Self Help Books,
Self Help Books for Women,