Inducing Consciousness Step by Step

• Here are some self improvement articles to aid and inspire you
• ... on your
journey of personal development!
•Read about inducing consciousness ...
• ... keeping a personal development journal ...
• ... your personal development & self improvement super tool ...
• ... how to develop a personal development plan ...
• ... women self improvement ...
• ... and much more!
Self Improvement Is Personal Development
- and Personal Empowerment, Too
Ah, yes, self improvement. You know, originally I didn't like
those words; I felt that they somehow communicated that
there's something wrong with me, you or anyone doing self
After all, I felt, you only improve upon that
which isn't the way it should be. And that didn't feel right
since one of the main points I really, really, REALLY want to
get across is that ...
... there is nothing wrong with you;
... your are whole;
... and you are an integral part of life, which is also whole;
... so at the most fundamental level all is well;
... and you can have trust enough to open up, be yourself and
I avoided the words self improvement for years
and only used the words 'personal development' and 'self
help'. (Well, and of course motivation, empowerment,
inspiration, leadership and spirituality).
But when it comes right down to it, there's
hardly any difference between 'self improvement' and personal
development ('self' equals 'personal' and 'improvement' equals
'development') and today I use the words interchangeably.
So what you have reached here is a
page where - in time - I'll present a lot of personal
development articles and self improvement articles.
The Purpose of This Page -
and Its Daughter Pages

The purpose of those
(upcoming) self improvement articles is the same as the
purpose of this entire website: Your personal empowerment. (If
you want to know more about my unique view and theory, you can
read the article:
Personal Development Guy's Empowerment Theory.
In other words, this page is about More Power
to You!
It's about you creating a better life for
yourself - your best life ever.
It's about you becoming all that you can be -
realizing your potential, attaining self realization (or self
actualization as Abraham Maslow or Carl Rogers would have
called it).
It's about you feeling connected, whole and,
yes, happy. Not necessarily in one fell swoop (though you can,
if you like, check out the pages
Meaning of Life and
Go), but more likely one small step at a time. Small steps
will get you where you want to go, too. As long as you
take them,
of course.
Reading Self Improvement
Articles Is Excellent
- But Your ACTIONS Get You Where You Want to Go
You know that, right? Without action nothing much is going to
happen. And you're already so busy you can't imagine fitting
more action into your schedule. However ...
An action doesn't have to be something hard or
big or exhausting.

An action doesn't even have to involve your
body. In fact the most important actions in your life hardly
do. Yep, that's right. To take action, powerful action, you
don't have to move a finger. Because your most important
actions are these:
Using your free will.
You may not feel it, or even remotely believe
it, but your free will is the most powerful tool you have.
Your free will creates your experience ... and your experience
is your life.
Your Personal Development &
Self Improvement Super Tool
Whatever you decide
upon - and I mean REALLY decide upon ... one hundred percent -
will come to pass in your experience. That is the nature of
will and the nature of relative reality. But that's a story
for another time.
What happens when you decide something one
hundred percent and with hardly a shred of doubt is that you
start taking what is
normally called
'action' (i.e. doing things) right away. Why?
Because your body is an extension of your will.
It does whatever you decide upon. It's that simple.
Once you have REALLY made up your mind physical
action isn't a problem. Instead, it's fun!
Your free will is your super tool of personal
development. It's the power of your free will that decides
whether you'll profit from these self improvement articles or
And you do want to profit from these self
improvement articles, right?
So, why aren't things already changing for the
better in your life?
Why You Aren't Getting All
You Want
- from
Personal Development Articles and Life in General
the most basic of levels the answer is simple:
Because you haven't decided yet. Your will
isn't set, your choice isn't made, your intentions are
You may want something, say, to loose 20 pounds
of weight, but you also want something that contradicts this
desire, say, to eat lots of sugar, candy, cookies, ice cream
and junk food.
Result: Nothing.
Your desires (i.e. choices)
cancel out each other. If your desire for sugar and junk food
outweighs your desire to loose weight, you'll even gain
A choice or a decision doesn't have to be
conscious, you see. When one desire outweighs another opposite
desire, your decision is made. You choose the side of the
strongest desire. Unconsciously. In the example above: You get
If a choice isn't conscious, it doesn't feel
like a choice. Instead it feels like something that's just
happening. Happening TO you. You start feeling powerless, like
a victim.
But you're not a victim. There's just something
you're not conscious of. Yet!
Inducing Consciousness!
So here we are, then. Inducing consciousness is one of the
primary purposes of this page - and all the underlying self
improvement articles.
The more consciousness you develop, the more
responsibility you'll start taking for your life and your
experience, and the more empowered you'll be.
Reading articles on self improvement and
personal development is a great way to get that process
One Last Caveat: Fear Will
Stop You
- But
Only If You Let It!
If you simply read self
improvement articles, learn, choose and take action, all is
well, fine and dandy. But there is one other joker in the
game: Fear.
Self-doubt, fear and hesitation often make you
afraid to improve your life in the areas you need to. Maybe
you want to switch jobs, but you don't dare. Maybe want to
have less stress, but are doubtful you can calm your life

If you let doubt and fear keep you from
deciding - or, worse: keep you from even trying to decide,
then you will attain very little. So, what you need to know is
It's been said that FEAR is an acronym for
False Evidence Appearing Real, and there is an awful lot of
truth to that. What you fear is not real. It has not come to
pass, and it probably never will. Your fear is your
ego playing
tricks with your mind.
Don't let your fear stop you. You can use your
free will and make a decision to overrule the fear. Or, you
can use some method for
go of the fear.
And with that last caveat in place, we're ready
to look at the existing self improvement articles ...
Development is neither good nor bad; neither right nor wrong - it's
simply a change from something to something else; from one condition
to another.
So, you're probably reading this because you're
interested in making some kind of change in yourself or your life
(or both).
Change is easy to understand, because it can go only
two ways: More of something or less of something.
Read more on the article
Personal Development Tips.
Being interested in personal growth you might want to know
what the answer to these two questions are:
What is personal development? And what is self
It is my pleasure to present you with those
answers. Beware, though ... it's not just a brief definition
or some inane talk about personal development in general. It's
actually high-level info about
Is Personal Development?

Keeping a personal development journal will enhance your self
awareness and do you a world of good in terms of inducing
consciousness. Please do not confuse this with a diary,
A diary traditionally has to do with events
that happen or external things. Plus what you think and feel
about them.
The personal development journal, on the other
hand, has to do with your self development.
You know, the personal development goals you've
set for yourself and the things you've tried in order to help
yourself get there (like listening to personal development
audio books, reading self improvement articles and self help
books, attending self help seminars, getting personal
development coaching, doing yoga, meditation and inner
journeys, etc.).
Plus, of course, how that turned out and what
you've learned from all this.
Of course you can merge the diary and the
personal development journal , if you so desire.
I, myself have done this for many years now.
Although ... when I look at what I have written, it turns out
to be 90 percent personal development. But then I am also a
certified personal development nutcase. :-)
To read more about keeping a journal to examine
your internal workings and aid your self growth, please read
the article
Development Journal.
Remember that the brain is basically a lot of electricity, and all of
the signals sent throughout the brain are passed along nerves that respond to
the electric signals.
When you pump music into your ears, your brain picks up
the vibrations in your ear canal and translates the vibration into electricity
that it then uses to configure its settings to adjust to the music that you are
listening to.
That is why soft, relaxing music puts you to sleep, dance music
gets you in an active mood, and heavy metal or hard rock pumps your body with
Read more about this fascinating method in the article
Brainwave Entrainment.
entrainment is basically stimulating your brain waves to act a certain way, and
many people believe that binaural sounds, binaural music, and binaural
recordings are effective at helping with this brainwave synchronization.
It is believed that the brainwaves made by your brain are produced on a specific
frequency, but that these waves can actually be influenced by playing music at a
certain frequency.
Read more about that in the article
Binaural Beats.
Remember that, while not as popular or well known as the binaural
sounds, the isochronic beats are just as effective when it comes to getting your
mind into the higher frequency states.
In fact, isochronic tones are becoming a
lot more popular due to the fact that they are more effective at pumping up your
brain – while binaural beats are usually best for relaxing. Read more
about that
Is self improvement any different for women than for men? No,
not at the deeper level. However the male and female psyche do
differ somewhat, and the fact is that the typical woman does
have circumstances that are different from those of the
typical man.
For instance only women can get pregnant and
give birth, and oftentimes women seem to be having a harder
time balancing work and home, which causes a lot of stress.
Losing weight, getting more exercise or knowing how to be more
assertive at work are also topics.
I've written a big article on women self
improvement & women self help. It includes: 10 questions that
make you think and info on: woman self esteem issues, feminine
(yin) energy, self realization, empowerment, self concept and
To read more about this subject and get tips
and techniques, please refer to the article
Self Improvement.
From both my business leadership coaching and my
practice as a personal & online life coach I know that some people
like have to have a plan to go by to reach their personal
development goals.
If that's you, I can present you with
a unique take on the subject of a personal development plan. This is
something you will find nowhere else.
I can present you with three different
options. Each of those is a powerful way to move on. If you're
interested, please check out the page
Personal Development Plan.
Inducing Consciousness ...
Step by Step
Returning to the Wholeness You Actually Never Left!
Step by step you can work on inducing consciousness and
empowering yourself by bringing out your inner strengths,
choosing and sticking by your choices until you have what you
want. Remember you do have what it takes; you just
need to learn how to get (back) in touch with it.
This is why you read self improvement articles.
Your end goal is happiness. Or love, or inner peace - or
whatever you prefer to call it. Personally, I usually prefer
to call it wholeness:
Being a whole and integrated person: Body,
mind, ego, emotions, soul and that which is even bigger - you
as life itself - integrated in a wholeness. You.
Final Words on Personal
Development and Self Improvement Articles
remember this: You have nothing to fear but being afraid.
Nothing to fear but fear itself.
That's all. Let fear go, and you have
absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Sound funny? It is! But
it's also very, very true.
Do not let your own insecurities deter you from
being the glowing, wonderful person you are - and living the
life that is your given birthright.
It can be done. YOU can do it.
The Personal Development Guy's Self Improvement Ezine (FREE)
Would you like to keep in touch - and get high-level tips and special bonuses? Then please sign up for my self improvement newsletter The Personal Development Guy's Self Improvement Ezine. It is totally FREE.
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Inspirational Quotes, Poems and Funny Short Stuff
If you want, you can also get your personal development, spirituality and general wisdom in an ultra light version - or even add your own wisdom to the site. Just go to the other sister of this website at:
- World's Best and YOUR Best Quotes, Poems and Short Funny Stuff is also known as:
This is where you might go for a quick 'fix' of wisdom and humor.
A special treat is that this site has forums for you to present your own wisdom and humor in the form of inspirational short funny quotes, jokes, notes, letters, stories, SMS text messages and poems. Share your wisdom and witticisms with the world!
High-Level Positive Parenting Advice and Deep Insights
Positive Parenting Ally is the parenting equivalent of the Personal Development Guy. This is where you go if you want really deepen your understanding of parenting, empower your kids and make everyday life more easy and joyful.
- Parenting advice for the conscious, open-minded parent!